How can we copy an array to another one ?


Hello ;

can you help me about this problem ? I would like to calculate the moving average of the another MM for example : the MM20 of MM13

when I write the code like this it 's right and we can view the result

// here we delare the buffers ...

for(int i=0; i<limit; i++) {

ExtMapBuffer1[i]= iMA(NULL,0,13,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i);

ExtMapBuffer2[i]= iMAOnArray(ExtMapBuffer1,0,20,0,MODE_EMA,i) ;


but here we must view MM13 via ExtMapBuffer1 and then I thought to replace and create another array in order to change ExtMapBuffer1

// we declare the new array

double tableau [];

for(int i=0; i<limit; i++) {

tableau[i]= iMA(NULL,0,13,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i);

ExtMapBuffer1[i]= iMAOnArray(tableau,0,20,0,MODE_EMA,i) ;


but with this code it's blank !!

Someone can tell me please where is the problem and how we create it ?

thanks !!

please someone can help me ????