Larger fonts in MT4 - page 2


I've read that book. I guess people want instant result so they prefer wearing glasses and contact lens or even LASIK surgery :(.

If you have an LCD screen that is quite a bad idea. LCD screens give the clearest image at their native resolution.

If you are having trouble reading the text on your screen you should visit an optician and get your glasses prescription revised.

Hi Raptor,

Not sure what the default resolution of my LCD is, but I need it at whatever is optimal for me so that I can at least read it. It's made for quite a wide rang of resolutions and I'm using at one that it is made for. But not being able to read my screen vs a reduced lifetime on my LCD is a 'clear choice' regardless, pun intended.

Seeing my Optometrist and other specialists. No prescription is going to resolve this problem for me thanks,

Thanks for the info.



I've read that book. I guess people want instant result so they prefer wearing glasses and contact lens or even LASIK surgery :(.

Hi Zach,

Thanks for the info but it isn't a matter of the the extent of my nearsightedness or the strength of my compensating lens prescription.

Have you heard that scientists have developed optical materials with a negative index of refraction causing a rewrite of Snell's Law?



I've read that book. I guess people want instant result so they prefer wearing glasses and contact lens or even LASIK surgery :(.

Then there is the original 'camera obscura' or 'Pin Hole camera' which causes no spacial distortion. Even in spite of much newer and much more modern equipment, NASA used it years ago to map the layout of the controls in early maned spacecraft because it didn't introduce distortions that cameras with lenses would of.

Their are actually 'Pin Hole' glasses available. They are just what the sound like. The lenses are replaced by to matrices of pinholes. They are 'one size fits all' in that they work for everyone regardless of the focal length and strength of there eyeballs. I'v tried them and they really are quite amazing really. But being all black and full of pin holes, one does look rather weird wearing them.


Take a look at this code: I use this sort of code to track important number in MT4. You can make the font as big as you want.

Hi MD,

Thanks for the info. However unlike MQL4 scripts, with MT4 being a compiled executable app, I'm not sure how I could graft this into it? Think its possible?

PS. I doubt very much that MT4 is made with MQL4.

Windows - Acessories - Accessibility - Magnifier!

Hi Ickyrus,

I'm aware of it and do use it at times thanks. But it isn't a realistic solution for extended long term usage or sessions.

What I can't figure out is why MT4 in particular has not enlarged the font as all of my other apps have? Though this can be a pain as well with some apps as they don't properly compensate for it and reformat the layout so that everything still shows and some of it disappears 'off screen'


I've read that book. I guess people want instant result so they prefer wearing glasses and contact lens or even LASIK surgery :(.

This brings up the 'Chicken or the Egg' conundrum: what if one can't see well enough to read the book to improve their vision so that they can read it? LoL (< 8)

Hi Raptor,

Not sure what the default resolution of my LCD is, but I need it at whatever is optimal for me so that I can at least read it. Not being able to read my screen vs a reduced lifetime on my LCD is a 'clear choice', pun intended.

It's not about the life of your LCD it's about you being able to see it clearly, if you don't set it at native resolution you get a fuzzy image. The clear choice is the native resolution . . . if you want to know the native resolution of your LCD type the model number into Google and find out, or just use the display settings to set it to the maximum resolution, that will give you the native resolution if you have the correct drivers installed for your graphics card and for you monitor . . . you do have the correct driver loaded for your monitor ?
Ya it's all good Raptor. I wish that was the problemthen it was
It's not about the life of your LCD it's about you being able to see it clearly, if you don't set it at native resolution you get a fuzzy image. The clear choice is the native resolution . . . if you want to know the native resolution of your LCD type the model number into Google and find out, or just use the display settings to set it to the maximum resolution, that will give you the native resolution if you have the correct drivers installed for your graphics card and for you monitor . . . you do have the correct driver loaded for your monitor ?

Ya it's all good Raptor. the monitor isn't the problem. I wish it was then it would be easily resolved. The monitor is relatively new and Hi Res and crisp and clear and I'm using it in a resolution that it is designed for.

As I stated else where, what is puzzling and is the key to this is that unlike the rest of my apps, MT4 didn't enlarge the font size. If I could resolve this aspect, it would be the best I could do for now and help considerably.


Ya it's all good Raptor. the monitor isn't the problem. I wish it was then it would be easily resolved. The monitor is relatively new and Hi Res and crisp and clear and I'm using it in a resolution that it is designed for.

Except if you are using it at a lower resolution than it's native then you are not using it at the resolution it was designed for.