Should I worry about this?


I've just tried to run the terminal, which is usually running night and day, and my firewall presented this alert.

Any help or suggestion? Should I worry?



Your firewall is trying to save your money :)

EA's can issue shell code directly via
#import "shell32.dll"
   int ShellExecuteA(int hWnd, string Verb, string File, string Parameter, string Path, int ShowCommand);

and indirectly via EA's supplied DLL calls.

All fine if you trust the EA.


Your firewall is trying to save your money :)

Lol, nice one! :)
EA's can issue shell code directly via


This is not what is usually referred to as "shellcode", it has nothing to do with it. Shellcode is a small piece of machine code that is inserted through otherwise innocent looking data (not through a program!) and gets executed through a buffer overflow in the attacked software. When executed It will open a remote shell for the attacker to connect to (thus the name "shellcode"). This remote shell can be anything, either a full blown command shell bound to a listening port or something simpler but equally dangerous. (a technique to insert and execute the above mentioned shell code)

Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit  (detailed explanations and some examples)