Is this a bug? - page 2


what is the expected value for stoch.eurusd if there are periods with no ticks.

It will always return the same value, even if there is no tick for 2 days (just like looking at the M1 chart during the weekend, it just won't move, stoch value will stay the same, the last value of Friday 23:59). Then in the next tick a new bar starts and also the stoch value will change and also every other iSomeThing() indicator will have moved exactly one bar: shift 0 will now again be the current minute (now monday 00:00) and the "minute before" (shift 1) will be the last minute of Friday (the one you have seen at shift 0 during the whole weekend).

"what is the expected value for stoch.eurusd if there are periods with no ticks. "


there are no periods (on the chart ) with no ticks. Every bar there has a tick, though some bars can be "missing" if there were

no ticks during the entire interval -- like no ticks from 1:04 to 1:11 -- the 1:05 5m bar will be missing.

The future has no ticks, but we aren't there yet.