There's not even an " Experts Advisors from A to Z " manual.... ! ! ! ! ! ------ Let's face it : ALL those MT4 guys are LOUSY... ! ! ! - page 2


"MQL gives you much more programming flexibility compared to TradeStation's rules based trading. You can apply all kinds of trading strategies by MQL, but you can't do it TradeStation." was my original opinion about MQL. Nobody told me that. I could say that after I compared several trading tools including Rules Based Trading of TradeStation

Many older generation traders use manual trading. That's why they don't look at MQL.



Book as One File --- Dowload it - 2 Mb Gives a .chm file.... : what can I do with it.....???

where can I install it, and how can I read it....?

Just click on it and it will open. If you have a problem, right click -> properties and change some protection setting (I don't remember what)

There is also PDFs available, which I mostly use. They can be out of date and thus wrong occasionally.