


I use the playsound() in some of my indicators.

recently I dont hear any sounds anymore, not even for when the alert box appears.

even indicators that I download from the internet and that work for other users do not play a sound for me

I checked Tools/Options/Events and everything seems ok.

Any ideas? thanks!


P.S.: also, all sounds seem to be correctly installed in the "terminal/sound" folder.



I use the playsound() in some of my indicators.

recently I dont hear any sounds anymore, not even for when the alert box appears.

even indicators that I download from the internet and that work for other users do not play a sound for me

I checked Tools/Options/Events and everything seems ok.

Any ideas? thanks!

sounds like some kind of conflict on your computer maybe even a sound virus. If you know those sounds to have previously worked with those indicators and didn't

change the code it's most likely your computer. Also if you have an alert and a serperate sound sometimes the "alert beep" blocks out the custom sound.