What code can be used to close orders at the end of the next bar period?


I am trying to write an EA that will close open order at the end of the next bar and have tried the following for the 4hr period:


datetime a = TimeHour(OrderOpenTimeA);
string closestringA;
datetime closetimeA;

if ( a >= 0 && a < 4 )
closestringA = "7:59";
closetimeA = StrToTime(closestringA) + TimeDay(1);

closetimeA = StrToTime(closestringA);

if ( TimeCurrent() >= closetimeA ) {CloseBasketA = True;}


This code will return the date as a day before the order opens and does not work for any timeframe.

There must be an easier/simpler way to code this for any timeframe. I would appreciate any suggestions.

int TotalBars = 0; //global var

if (Bars > TotalBars)
  // do.........
TotalBars = Bars;

Thanks a bunch, you saved me a lot of time.