how to find the top or bottom of price ?


i need to find the top (or bottom) of the price

from last night 02:00 but i have condition so if the first doesnot

match i want to find the next top price later in the day .

the ibarshift( ) can help ? how ?


Can someone fix this so that it does not use Compile-Date but instead Recent Date. The versions I'm coming up with seems too lengthy. Since someone usually posts a shorter version after me, I'm interested to see how you guys implement Last_2_O.clock given that it could fall on a different date. If example current hour is 0 or 1.


Here something the OP can try using in the mean time.

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gabriel3 2010.09.15 23:48
i need to find the top (or bottom) of the price 
from last night 02:00 but i have condition so if the first doesnot
match i want to find the next top price later in the day .
the ibarshift( ) can help ? how ?
int start(){
datetime Hour_2CheckFrom=D'2:00:00';
int Two_Oclock_Bar=iBarShift(NULL,0,Hour_2CheckFrom);
double Period_HIgh=iHigh(NULL,0,Two_Oclock_Bar);
double Period_Low=iLow(NULL,0,Two_Oclock_Bar);

Can someone fix this so that it does not use Compile-Date but instead Recent Date. The versions I'm coming up with seems too lengthy. Since someone usually posts a shorter version after me, I'm interested to see how you guys implement Last_2_O.clock given that it could fall on a different date. If example current hour is 0 or 1.

Here something the OP can try using in the mean time.

i wrote this code for the algoritm .

barshift is calculated from ( cuurent_gmt_time - 01:00 gmt ) * period step ( for H1 1, for M15 4 etc ...)

void Find_Top_Bottom ()
double bar_to_shift = 4*(Hour()-1) + MathAbs(Minute()/15) ;

int i;
// start from 01:00 bar
for (i= bar_to_shift ;i>2;i--)
if (signal == 1) // for long
if ( Low[i] < lowest &&
( Low[i]+15*Point_Info < iMA(NULL,0, 20, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i) )

lowest = Low[i] ; bar_from_midnight = bar_to_shift - i ;

if (High[i] > iMA(NULL,0, 50, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i))
lowest = 100000 ; bar_from_midnight = 0 ;

if (signal == -1) // for short
if ( High[i] > highest &&
( High[i]- 15 *Point_Info > iMA(NULL,0, 20, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i) )
highest = High[i] ; bar_from_midnight = bar_to_shift - i ;


if ( Low[i] + 15 *Point_Info < iMA(NULL,0, 50, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i))
highest = -100000 ; bar_from_midnight = 0 ;



} // Find_Top_Bottom

i need to find the top (or bottom) of the price from last night 02:00
// If you're on a H1 chart only:
for (int shift=0; Hour(Time[shift]) != 2; shift++) {}
int highestBar = Highest(NULL,0, MODE_HIGH, shift+1,0);

// If you're on a H1 or smaller chart:
for (int shift=0; Hour(Time[shift+1]) != 1; shift++) {}
datetime Hour_2CheckFrom=D'2:00:00';
int Two_Oclock_Bar=iBarShift(NULL,0,Hour_2CheckFrom);
double max = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Two_Oclock_Bar,0)];
double min = Low[ iLowest( NULL,0,MODE_LOW, Two_Oclock_Bar,0)];