characteristic pair


in your opinion it important to know the character of traders currency pairs traded?, and do you think if we know the character of the currency pair is trading success can help us?

 Characteristics of each pair of major world currencies

Understanding the characteristics of currencies traded will make you aware of what level of risk and the benefits you can get from such currency or currencies whether it fits with the risk tolerance or your trading time. Here we review some popular currencies are often traded.


Chart GBP / USD is aggressive all-time chart. Just look at the range of price movement chart is very fast. The chart below is the 1 hour chart for GBPUSD. In a few hours, the movement has reached 100 points. Fundamental news that often appears to GBP is at 06.00 pm (medium impact) and 16:30 and 19:45 pm for High Impact. To USD is at 19:30 to 22:00 pm for all categories of Medium & High Impact.

• Average daily movement: 100-200 points

• Stop Loss ideal Daytrader: 200 points

• Active trading Hours: 15:00 to 22:00 pm

• The value per point: $ 1 (Mini) or $ 10 (regular)


According to some observers EUR / USD currency pair is better than the GBPUSD traded. Movement is 3/4 of his GBPUSD. By adding SMA 10 & 20, we can take a decision Buy & Sell. Fundamental news that often appears to EUR is at 16.00 & 18.00 pm for Medium & High Impact. To USD is at 19:30 to 22:00 pm for all categories of Medium & High Impact.

• Average daily movement: 75-150 points

• Stop Loss ideal Daytrader: 200 points

• Active trading Hours: 2:00 p.m. to 22:00 pm

• The value per point: $ 1 (Mini) or $ 10 (regular)


If you want to trade a relaxed, with no fear of fast moving price movement drastically, you can choose an alternative for AUD / USD. Movement of the AUD / USD is half of the EUR / USD or 3/4 of the GBPUSD. Daytrader ideal Stop Loss: 150 points. Fundamental news that often appears to AUD is at 07.30, 10.30 am (interest rate) for Medium & High Impact. To USD is at 19:30 to 22:00 pm for all categories of Medium & High Impact.

• Active trading Hours: 7:00 to 22:00 pm

• The value per point: $ 1 (Mini) or $ 10 (regular)


Yes, by knowing the USD movement up or down, you can simply observe the movement of USD / CHF. The graph opposite to the movement of GBP / USD, EUR / USD and AUD / USD. If the USD / CHF down then there tends to be a great upward movement of EUR / USD, GBP / USD and AUD / USD. Nature of the natural serenity clearly seen in this pair. You also want to play relaxed, can trade on this pair. Fundamental news that often appears to CHF is at 14:00 pm for Medium & High Impact. To USD is at 19:30 to 22:00 pm for all categories of Medium & High Impact.

• Stop Loss ideal Daytrader: 100 points

Take Profit: 150-200 points.

• Active trading Hours: 2:00 p.m. to 22:00 pm

• The value per point: $ 0.8 (mini) or $ 8 (regular)


This pair is often a surprise where you have to be careful in making buy or sell decisions. Lately often weakened Japanese Yen, so you do not stay long opened the position. USD / JPY at the end of February 2009, up from 93.00 to 95.00. Fundamental news hours are 6:50 to 12:00 pm for Japan and for the USD is at 19:30 to 22:00 pm for all categories of Medium & High Impact.

• Stop Loss ideal Daytrader: 100 points

• Take Profit: 150-200 points.

• Active trading Hours: 2:00 p.m. to 22:00 pm

• The value per point: $ 1.2 (mini) or $ 12 (regular)



in your opinion it important to know the character of traders currency pairs traded?, and do you think if we know the character of the currency pair is trading success can help us?

not so important, but this information is necessary to know