AccountStopoutLevel - page 2

  1. Really? What signal do you send to the telephone or what button do you push to make someone call you on that phone? There is none.
  2. Rest is babble. We don't care. You're sounding like a troll.

1. For example - an SMS!

When using a prepaid cell phone in roaming there is smth like that.

You send a signal by some code, then the phone calls you.

There is no button, but there could be.

Theoretically, you could make such a defined button, that sends information to the exchange,

to make another phone call me at my expense, and let the other person also know by sending the ring.

2. Then, a TROLL I am! I do not care the least if You out there care or not!

I am not posting for anyone to care, or not!

Thank You for your comments!




MQL, DLL and WEB are used in this architecture. MQL generates a request, DLL sends it to WEB server, and the server generates and sends a reply that gets into MQL through DLL. MQL manages the orders based on the reply.

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