MT4 Comment Displays limited to 4 digits with 5 digit charts?


I have noticed that my EA's still show doubles in them as 4 digits even though the charts are now 5 digit - am I missing a trick here? Happens with both MetaTrader and IBFX. Do I have to download the install file again and re-install?


double number = 12.3456789

Comment(" The number is " + DoubleToStr(number, 7));

Print defaults to 4 digits. Use Print(DoubleToStr(x,Digits))
Print defaults to 4 digits. Use Print(DoubleToStr(x,Digits))

I guess I'm just being a stickler for detail, but when the 'Show OHLC' option is checked and I'm seeing 5 digits after the decimal point on the chart, why does any indicator added to the chart show it's values with 4 digits after the decimal point. I realize there are so many tiny variables within the whole system setup that I may just be wondering about something irrelevent, but when I check cross points, or value point binary indicators attached to the indicators, the trigger points vary enough to make close timing scary for scalping. I don't scalp, and I tend to use other signals as well to trade with, but I wonder how much variation can be tied to system innaccuracies and not round-up and round-down errors. Is this a screen output that can be altered by adjusting the indicator programming, or am I just driving myself crazy over non relevent details?

> am I just driving myself crazy over non relevent details?

Yes is the short answer :)

Keep in mind that on a live account, the spread can vary by a bigger factor than this

Any system that relies on such a small or finely calculated signal is not going to do well in the long run



I guess I'm just being a stickler for detail, but when the 'Show OHLC' option is checked and I'm seeing 5 digits after the decimal point on the chart, why does any indicator added to the chart show it's values with 4 digits after the decimal point.
There are a lot of inconsistencies across the whole platform. 5 digit support was the exception and not the rule in the beginning so it might have gone unnoticed for some time. Each indicator can specify on its own how many digits it wants to display inside its code, this will then override the platform default (if there is such a thing at all), maybe they just forgot to change some defaults or make them more consistent here and there when 5 digit became more widespread. Many things that should ideally default to the value of Digits seem to default to a hardcoded 4 instead but fortunately you can override the default in most cases and/or it would not impact trading results.

Its Might Be To Late

I Just Have Same Problem And  Fond Solution In MQL4 Help 

In On Init Set Indicator Digits 


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