Tester: exchange rate cannot be calculated - page 2

Just change your base currency in your strategy tester or the EA ini file to USD and it should work.
Rafal Wieczorek:
Just change your base currency in your strategy tester or the EA ini file to USD and it should work.

Thank you Rafal,according to your suggestion, I have solved the problem.

I could be wrong, but I thought that some brokers had the DJI in the choice of charts to display for reference but not trading. Trading would be done via a YM cfd. Perhaps this would explain why you cannot get the the information for testing....


Thank you... solved

Just had same proble. Check the currency is correct in Expert properties. I had same error with account in GBP which was set to USD. My EA could not execute the command MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE

This helped.