Help me make EA


Hello...anyone can help me to make me EA with this indicator ? this indicator is like zigzag. When this indicator appear, then we take position.

Thank you.


1)standart zigzag is NOT, REALY NOT useful as a entry signal, i have not watched your indicator, but if it is like zigzag....

2) a) have you already begun coding the EA and have some specific problem? b) or do you want us to create the whole EA for you?

IF a): show us the code code and we can help

IF b): if you want to hire a programmer to do the job, write me a pm. but in this forum you will most likely not get a EA coded for free.

there is a whole lot of free EA's in the codebase, lots of information regarding code in the forum, book, documentation. with all that information, the help of programmers in the forum and, the most important, your WILL TO LEARN CODING you maybe get this and following EA's for free..
