Delete pending order without confirm



Is there any way to delete a pending order that doesn't require the additional step of having the 'confirm delete' order window appear ?. I'm using the " DROP_DELETE_PENDING.mq4 " script by 'blackhawk', but would like it to just go ahead and delete the order as soon as the script is launched. Thanks.


Open the script in the meta-editor and delete this line :-

#property show_confirm

Open the script in the meta-editor and delete this line :-

Thanks for the reply. I already have that line commented out - it pops up a message box asking if you want to attach the script to the chart, but it's the next window, the actual order ticket with the prices and the 'Modify' or 'Delete' buttons that I want to bypass.

If I double click on the order in 'Terminal', the same order ticket comes up but only the 'Delete' button highlighted - the 'Modify' button is greyed out. Running the script gives the same ticket but with both 'Modify' and Delete' buttons enabled. I'd like the script to bypass this ticket window completely and delete the order as soon as the script is attached to the chart.


Ok, try clicking <Tools><Options>.........Experts Tab, and deselect 'Ask manual confirmation'.


Ok, try clicking <Tools><Options>.........Experts Tab, and deselect 'Ask manual confirmation'.

Thanks very much. That does the trick nicely :)