Windows 7 back testing cannot find history data


I download .hst data - which ends up in the.../virtual/... file store for Windows 7 MT4, rather than under ...\Program Files\...

The download of the .dat data successful and the .hst files are generated with the correct names.

However, no matter where I move the .hst files the tester is unable to locate the files.

Does anyone know where the .hst files have to located for the test to find them successfully?

They are currently located under the ...\history\<server name> in both the virtual file store and the program file store.




I download .hst data - which ends up in the.../virtual/... file store for Windows 7 MT4, rather than under ...\Program Files\...

The download of the .dat data successful and the .hst files are generated with the correct names.

However, no matter where I move the .hst files the tester is unable to locate the files.

Does anyone know where the .hst files have to located for the test to find them successfully?

They are currently located under the ...\history\<server name> in both the virtual file store and the program file store.




Finally I have my own answer.

I was using a date range in the tester. The end date was set earlier then the start date. The error message is a little misleading. to put it mildly. The tester should reject and invalid date range.
