what are the differences between mql4 and mql5?


thanks you guys


thanks you guys

if you don't know the difference, I suggest sticking to MQL4. It is simpler and simplicity is what counts.

If you like headaches, OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Stuff), and unecessary complexities that are not really required for trading forex, then go ahead with MQL5.


If you're new to programming, I think you'll find mql4 easier even for non-programmer newbs.

- It is one of the easiest language to program; provided you're willing to learn & cover the basics.
- mql5 on the other hand is relatively more 'un-intuitive, modular & object-oriented' coding.
- The advantage & purpose however is evident when programming a large complex program. I read it is also preferable for cross platform communication.
- mql5 also provide new & more comprehensive features, parameter, predefined variables, like MarketInfo, more buffer drawing options, etc. previously not available on mq4.

MetaQuotes stated that MT4/mql4 will continue to be supported, so you can go for either or both.