whats is wrong with this code


i want this indicator to show the text price above the candle.

what is worng with this coding

  1. It's decompiled code, stolen from someone.
  2. It won't compile (missing } before the void drawLabel)
  3. It won't update the label once drawn.
  1. It's decompiled code, stolen from someone.
  2. It won't compile (missing } before the void drawLabel)
  3. It won't update the label once drawn.

its is my own indicator

i have molanis indicator builder but my version does not give me the decompiled code so i have to decompile it myself

it is also limited so i have to write som e of the code myself and i am a rukie programmer try to put it togeter and need help with it

i have gone on molanis forum but they just told me it need a lot of coding and left me. so i look on furms to c how they have done some coding and

work my way around it. al i am asking is help

are you talking about this

void start() {
int l_ind_counted_4 = IndicatorCounted();
int li_0 = Bars - l_ind_counted_4 - 1;
if (l_ind_counted_4 == 0) li_0 = Bars - 1 - gi_88;
double ld_unused_8 = 0;
while (li_0 >= 0) {
g_ibuf_84[li_0] = High[li_0] + 0.0005;
drawLabel("Buy Alert", g_ibuf_84, PowderBlue);
void { // placeing this here
drawLabel(string a_name_0, double a_price_8, color a_color_16)
if (ObjectFind(a_name_0) != 0)
ObjectCreate(a_name_0, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[10], a_price_8);
ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_name_0, 8, "Arial", CLR_NONE);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_16);
} // and the other one here

  1. You have:
    void start() {
      int l_ind_counted_4 = IndicatorCounted();
      int li_0 = Bars - l_ind_counted_4 - 1;
      if (l_ind_counted_4 == 0) li_0 = Bars - 1 - gi_88;
      double ld_unused_8 = 0;
      while (li_0 >= 0) {
        g_ibuf_84[li_0] = High[li_0] + 0.0005;
        drawLabel("Buy Alert", g_ibuf_84, PowderBlue);
    void drawLabel(string a_name_0, double a_price_8, color a_color_16)
      if (ObjectFind(a_name_0) != 0)
        ObjectCreate(a_name_0, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[10], a_price_8);
        ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_name_0, 8, "Arial", CLR_NONE);
        ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_16);
    There is no closing bracket BEFORE the void drawLabel to terminate start.