Can only open EURUSD chart


I don't know where to ask this question, but it's a general MT4 question rather than a MQL4 question. I can only open the EURUSD chart on my MT4 installation. Doing the chart+ button thing only shows EURUSD. Doing File->New Chart also only shows EURUSD. Ideas? I know the simple solutions (like reinstall) but I'm looking for other solutions, more from curiosity than necessity.

EDT: Surprisingly reinstalling didn't work. It's on XP SP3 and on a virtual machine.


I don't know where to ask this question, but it's a general MT4 question rather than a MQL4 question. I can only open the EURUSD chart on my MT4 installation. Doing the chart+ button thing only shows EURUSD. Doing File->New Chart also only shows EURUSD. Ideas? I know the simple solutions (like reinstall) but I'm looking for other solutions, more from curiosity than necessity.

EDT: Surprisingly reinstalling didn't work. It's on XP SP3 and on a virtual machine.

Two possibilities. The most likely is that your Market Watch list has got truncated, and you need to add extra symbols to it by right-clicking over the Market Watch and choosing "Symbols". It's possible that the broker has changed their symbol-naming, e.g. from EURUSD to EURUSDm, and that the existing Market Watch list has got cleared because the symbols are no longer valid. The less likely possibility is that the broker's server is sending back duff data, and is telling MT4 that EURUSD is the only symbol available.

You were right about just adding the symbols back! Thanks a bunch. I don't know exactly why the list got cleared, but perhaps they did change the naming.