BooYa!! I'm hyped up about Forex again :)) - page 4

Well said Phillip and BB. For any newbies like me paying attention, this really is where (least to me) the Trader's mindset should be headed. Same things they've been saying months ago, however, makes more sense to me the more I investigate.

You may be nearer to an overall strategy than you believe

> watched the market the week before

Well a month or so of demo trading is better but never mind

> First back-test was without any Optimization

A very good pointer to something with promise

> Any system really can break with market change

Just knowing that is extremely useful - but could you act on that - kill an EA you spent months on?

If you can - and do a post mortem, find what killed it and how, the next one will be better

> keep an eye on the "when to quit" factor

Every EA has one - its just spotting it - e.g. when drawdown, or max consecutive losses, etc is out of line with expectations

You're looking for the factor/s that are counter to your system



Great post.

Regarding when to quit: Do you think there is anything wrong with pulling your initial deposit when it doubles and a percentage of your profit every month or so thereafter? This way you would quit when the system kills you, but you'd have your profit out. You'd basically keep milking the cow and taking each bucket away. When the teet run dry, see what you got and decide whether the cow is still good or should become hamburger!


Regarding when to quit: Do you think there is anything wrong with pulling your initial deposit when it doubles and a percentage of your profit every month or so thereafter? This way you would quit when the system kills you, but you'd have your profit out.

That's just another form of stop loss that is not unusual

IIRC, one of the 2008 ATC top ten uses that method on several accounts

First make sure your broker is one that does not support over-runs before a margin call

Some allow mid-week over-run but you have to be back to zero or owe them (more) money at the weekend
