data slider?


I'm trying to fine tune an indicator and realize it would be a million times faster to have some sliders in a window that I could just drag around instead of having to right click on the indicator, change the value slightly, see what happened, right click again, adjust again....

Is there any function like this for MT4? Or does anybody know about maybe a .dll that could provide it?


Here's a page with some sliders on it in case you dont know what I'm talking about:


you can progam such things. but not easily. as i heard on MQL5 it will be possible. in mql4 all you can do is making some sliders with the geometric objects, draw them on chart. you can read values of that objects, and customizing the indicators. maybe the height of a square could be translated into the period of a iMA, or similar.

after that works you can adjust the square with the mouse on the chart. and you have some kind of a slider.

but, lots of programming. i think it's not worth it.

i don't know if there exists such a dll, i think its for shure possible. and if you are able to programm a dll with a gui, i think you will be faster instead of programming them in MQL