rounded number in OrderProfit() ?



i have a function that adds ordersprofits from orders that have been closed, its in a extern file. (#include)

the problem is following:

OrderProfit comes in a rounded number ie. without decimals. i have checked all variebles that is assigned to orderprofit, to be double.

when i:


it is always a rounded number.

for example in the "results monitor", it shows a profit of -50.24, but the Print shows -50.

i have used this function in another EA and there it shows correctly.

Can it be that i place out SellLimit and BuyLimit?

Thankful for answers or tips

// Enotrek


Sounds like you have an integer rather than double somewhere or a calculation is casting to an integer.



Sounds like you have an integer rather than double somewhere or a calculation is casting to an integer.


thanks for quick respose, but as i wrote i have checked all variables for mistakenly ints.

i have gone through the code for 2 days. found an int today and was pretty happy until i tested it... FRUSTRATING.


when i use


it prints a rounded number.

Strange isn't it?

any ideas?

heres the code:

for(int E=0; E < Ended;)
                  double Profits;
                  OrderID = EndedOrders[E];
                  OrderSelect(OrderID, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_HISTORY);
                  Profits += OrderProfit();
                  Print("Profit: ", Profits);
                  E ++;
double Profit = OrderProfit(); 

temporarily try this in place of your loop... it works fine for me so if you still have a problem, then it must be elsewhere in your code...

   static double totprof;
   for(int i = 0 ; i < OrdersHistoryTotal();i++)
         OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
         double profit=OrderProfit();
         totprof +=profit;
         Alert ("Profit ",profit," totprof ",totprof);
Print & Comment can truncate your display. Aside from the double to int casting Viffer pointed out. Make sure you DoubleToStr-ing it to display it. HTH.

it seems that the OrderProfit() isn't the problem.

i have calculated the profit manually and it seems to be ok. but the results monitor shows a bigger loss than OrderProfit


any ideas why it shows a bigger loss?





it seems that the OrderProfit() isn't the problem.

i have calculated the profit manually and it seems to be ok. but the results monitor shows a bigger loss than OrderProfit

Does your broker charge commission or swap? If so, u should also add OrderSwap() and OrderCommission() to your profit calculation...




sometimes the answer is right before your eyes!

Thanks alot.