Resize Chart?


Looking for a way to resize the height of the main chart, (I only use one chart at a time) to a fixed amount of 200 pips. Bid-100 to Bid+100. I found WindowPriceMax() and WindowPriceMin(), but it seems that these only give you data on what these current levels are set at, that is, I can't actually change the range of the chart with these.


Bump. Nobody knows this?

You set it under the F8 properties tab. EA's don't need to since they haveWindowPriceXXX()

The options in the properties tab are pretty lame. You can either chose 1:1 scale which almost always looks ridiculous, or you can set the upper and lower limits manually, however as soon as the price goes out of this range, it goes off the chart and you wont see price movement anymore. This is why I'm trying to figure out how to code it into an EA so it will always be 100 pips above current price and 100 pips below. As far as I know, the WindowPrice functions only tell you what these levels are set at, they dont allow you to change them.


The options in the properties tab are pretty lame. You can either chose 1:1 scale which almost always looks ridiculous, or you can set the upper and lower limits manually, however as soon as the price goes out of this range, it goes off the chart and you wont see price movement anymore. This is why I'm trying to figure out how to code it into an EA so it will always be 100 pips above current price and 100 pips below. As far as I know, the WindowPrice functions only tell you what these levels are set at, they dont allow you to change them.

Hi Inkexit.

EA or indicator? Can't see how this would benefit an EA... 

if an Indicator: why not redraw the prices and/or indicators portion you need in separate window or overlay it on main window. Here's example