how to get more chart data - page 2


Well they are probably doing you a favor without you realizing it. If they are a relatively new broker then they don't personally have detailed forex historical data from their liquidity providers or their servers. They could backfill their own historical records with market data from other brokers and liquidity providers but that doesn't mean the data is indicative of the subtle nuances liteforex customers will experience in their pricefeeds versus that of other brokers.

So they aren't giving you filler data that is not specific to themselves as a brokerage. Not that this helps you get the data you do want, but at least you can have more confidence in the quality and relevance of the data you are obtaining from them.


yeah your probably right,im not entirely convinced they really know what they are doing at lite forex, i contected them about that chart data issue and they told me to use the download button, i told them it would mess up my chart history ( i did that once before and ended up with huge gaps, and hundreds of chart mismatch errors in strategy tester) but they didnt seem to understand what i was trying to explain to them, anyway I am going to try and get around all that by using some tick data i downloaded (from a well known source) to create the fxt files to use in strategy tester i hope that works, Gordon said it would slow down strategy tester but I dont mind that, a slow strategy tester with a year or two chart history would serve me better than a fast one with only a few months


In your specific case I'd just download the FXDD M1 data and go from there. Not ideal but is less non-ideal than using the tick file method IMO.