Demo feed? Interbank-fx or Where?


My meta-trader feed froze on Friday during 2 hours before the non-farm report when the Eur dive against the Usd. It reconnected two hours later to present the horror. This disconnection had never happened before. And then another two hours later, I stopped receiving feeds until the end of trading-day Friday. During the down time while the market was still opened, I decided to download the generic mt4 setup, you know the one with the Interbank environment, but that one too was down. I taught for sure someone else in the same case as I would have posted something about it, however nobody did.


I'm feeling so shallow as I'm becoming addicted to playing around with this thing :'(. Is this happening to just me? Are all the demo feeds coming from the same source. I'd hate to have the market open today, leaving my monopoly forward testing out of the action. Suggestions!!


It depends on the broker. The generic MT4 from metaquotes comes with an Alpari demo account which I have found extremely unreliable. Use it as a stress test for your EAs to test their ability of handling all kinds of errors, delays, disconnects and all other types of unfriendly events that one could ever think of. If your EA can survive Alpari demo then it can safely run anywhere.

I recently needed a very reliable feed for my alerts and some other projects and I have found PFGBest demo extremely stable and reliable. Its an ECN broker and you can also test your EAs and scripts for the slightly different ECN market order functionality.

Thank You for the recommendations 7bit.

> Are all the demo feeds coming from the same source

Back in the day all brokers provided their own, these days, many pool together

In any case any demo feed has severe limitations as far as relevance to eventual behavior on a live account

See these threads
