how can i get the 100 millisecond chart ??? - page 3


Don't assume anything, you can measure this quite accurately. First find your broker's IP address (serious brokers will have this mentioned on their website, or see here for how to find it -> Note that most brokers have more than one IP address, so find them all.

Next use ping.exe and tracert.exe to check latency and hops to your broker's server (Google it if u don't know how... there are many guides floating around).

That is a commercial indicator (4xWatch) that can tell what is the Ip adress your Terminal is connected to and gives you the ping time and how many hops between you and the server, some brokers have several servers you can choose from just click on the bottom right on the screen (see on the pic) and you can change the server you are connected too, try diferent ones and find the best ping time and the closest geo location to you.

Well I prefer doing it for free.

Question for Gordon

What free tool let you know the IP address of the server you are connected too, MT4 only give you the name ( DataCenter 3 )?


What free tool let you know the IP address of the server you are connected too, MT4 only give you the name ( DataCenter 3 )?

The connection latency between broker and client is irrelevent to this topic, the mt4 platform does not have to request each tick, in other words it is not using a tcp/ip protocol for the price feed conection. If it was there would never be a lost tick because as per the tcp/ip protocol any un recieved data packets would be re - requested.

The price feed connection to the broker simalar to, or actually of, the UDP type connection, where ticks are sent by the broker in a stream, if some dont make it to your terminal, its a case of oh well, too bad. The point is, mt4 server can send as many ticks per second as it wants to, or that the brokers server internet connection is capable of handling, or that the computer the server is running on it capable of generating, and it does, which is why we as traders have issues of requotes, and refresh rates in EA's.

New ticks have to be generated extremely rapidly by the server for two to arrive so close together that the first one is out of date before the start() function completes a single iteration of the EA. What this means is, there is no reason whatsoever that a tick chart, a 1 second chart, or a 100 millisecond chart could not be run on mt4, and in fact a tick chart is run on mt4 but only in a tiny window separate from the trading chart. Well I said there is no reason... I believe there is a reason.... brokers do not want us to have access to tradable low time frame tick charts, for reasons that is known to them, and those who see a way to profit from them. Metaquotes wants brokers to buy their server software, therfore metaquotes give the broker what he wants ..... therefore mt4 does not have access to tradable tick charts.



New ticks have to be generated extremely rapidly by the server for two to arrive so close together that the first one is out of date before the start() function completes a single iteration of the EA. What this means is, there is no reason whatsoever that a tick chart, a 1 second chart, or a 100 millisecond chart could not be run on mt4, and in fact a tick chart is run on mt4 but only in a tiny window separate from the trading chart. Well I said there is no reason... I believe there is a reason.... brokers do not want us to have access to tradable low time frame tick charts, for reasons that is known to them, and those who see a way to profit from them. Metaquotes wants brokers to buy their server software, therfore metaquotes give the broker what he wants ..... therefore mt4 does not have access to tradable tick charts.

But it is possible to implement a 100 millisecond chart... Nobody is preventing you from doing so (neither MetaQuotes nor the Brokers). So what is your point?

as a trading chart ? In other words on the main screen of mt4 reacting to live price quotes and displaying them as they arrive, that live indicators could be created for and applied to that same chart ? If that is so then I apologise for my incorrect assumtions, my point was assuming that is not so, and there is no good technicaly related reason why it shouldnt be so.

Just useful information about precision of the system time in Windows, and in MetaTrader respectively:
theoretically 0,1 ms;
practically may be obtained 1 ms;
typically for ordinary systems 16 ms.

as a trading chart ? In other words on the main screen of mt4 reacting to live price quotes and displaying them as they arrive, that live indicators could be created for and applied to that same chart ? [...]

Oh, I see what u meant. But I think your conclusion of why they don't have that is way off (and sounds like the usual FX conspiracy theory)... It's much more likely that it's due to pure technical reasons. For one the platform is way too slow - when the average transaction duration is in the order of seconds, there is no point in having a millisecond chart. Engineering-wise, it's like giving significance to things happening on the millisecond frame when your equipment can only measure accurately up to the order of seconds. Additionally, the history center (both locally and on the server-side) is designed around M1 data, probably because of technical/cost reasons. But all this is quite reasonable since this is a RETAIL platform and as such has the limitation that the end user's internet connection and hardware varies and is uncontrollable.

Nobody is stopping u from moving to institutional trading using sophisticated API's with your own HW in the broker's data-center. Of course u need a lot of money to do that (may I remind u that MT4 is free...?).


I agree with you on the millisecond chart, I have thought of several reasons why a 100 millisecond chart would be impractical for instance there would be so many periods where the price did not change at all for several seconds that the millisecond chart would be smothered with fill in bars reflecting zero movement, my conspiracy theory is, ( and yes i know it is just another conspiracy theory, although maybe not as outragous as the flying trojan one though lol) is more related to not being able to display a regular tick chart on the main screen.

I know mt4 is free to the client, but I also know metaquotes income from mt4 is generated when the brokers pay large dollars for mt4 server which is the basis of my conspiracy theory and why I am inclined to believe mt4 is more weighted in favour of what the broker wants it to do, than what the client would like it to do.