Array Help



I have got an array of [1,2,3,4,5, ...]

How do I change it to [...,5,4,3,2,1] ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Something like this (not verified...):

void ArrayFlip( int& arr[] )
   int temp, len=ArraySize(arr);
   if (len<2) return;
   for(int i=0; i<len/2; i++) {

gordon is it possible to use ArraySetAsSeries to simply change the indexing direction? Does it work like that? I've used it before but perhaps I was using it in error (never had much confidence in my grasp of this particular function).

I don't remember ever using that function. But yeah, seems to do the job. It also does it much faster. Good one, phillip.

gordon is it possible to use ArraySetAsSeries to simply change the indexing direction? Does it work like that? I've used it before but perhaps I was using it in error (never had much confidence in my grasp of this particular function).

#property show_inputs  // This Works...

extern int Bar_Limit = 5;
extern bool Is_Series = false;

double Open_Val[];
//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
   ArrayResize(Open_Val, Bar_Limit);
   for(int i = Bar_Limit-1; i >= 0; i --)
      Open_Val[i] = Open[i];
   ArraySetAsSeries(Open_Val, Is_Series);
   for( i = Bar_Limit-1; i >= 0; i --)
      Alert (" Open_Val[",i,"] = ", Open_Val[i] );
   if(Is_Series) string S_Series = "TRUE"; else S_Series = "FALSE";
   Alert (" END OF Is_Series ", S_Series," test ");

 If you put ArraySetAsSeries just after ArrayInitalize then the script shows no difference in Open_Val. I only got it after the third try... hth.
Added : i.e. This function works for calling ( not filling ) an array  values in a reversed  order. This is what kept it confusing for me in the past.