Investors Wanted For 100 Robot Test Accounts


I’m looking for 100 investors willing to volunteer life accounts to test my new robot for 6 months starting July 01. You keep all the profits resulting from this test. All I ask in return is a onetime $250 USD maintenance fee to cover for all my expenses during the Test Period which will end on December 31.

If at any point you are not happy with the robot’s performance, you can opt out of this Test and request that the robot be removed from your account. The maintenance fee will then be returned to you minus $40 dollars for every month the robot was attached to your account and the cost of the wire transfer.

Investors interested please post your email address here or send me a private message and I’ll send you an email with the requirements along with a brief description of the robot.


Here are the test requirements:

· Accounts must start with an original investment of 10K dollars.

· The account must be fully funded and ready for trade on June 20th.

· You agree to share login information on or before June 25th and have the robot attach to the account remotely.

· During the Test Period, you must let the robot take all trading decisions on that account under my supervision.

· You must not withdraw money from the account during the Test Period.

· You agree this is not an offer to sell, lease, license or lend The Robot to You.

· The Robot shall remain my property at all times.

· No access to the robot code will be allowed.

· Only one robot will be attached per account and be managed by me from my own server.

· You agree to let me publish the result of the Test in promotional materials.

· You understand that the robot can be shut down temporarily for server or code maintenance.

· You understand that trading currencies involves substantial risk that can result in partial or total loss of your original investment and you agree not to hold me responsible for any loss directly or indirectly resulting from the trading activities of the robot.


A Word on Security

This robot is designed to protect the investment from total collapse. A "Curb System” will deactivate the robot in case a preset drawdown is reached. The default drawdown is 30% of the original investment. This amount is “user defined” and can be changed from the robot’s control panel. If the set level is ever reached, the robot will close all positions and cease all trading operations then ask for permission to continue trading. Think of it as a virtual electronic fence for your money.


I guarantee that all information shared with me will be kept private.


Robot’s Profile

Description: A multicurrency robot that trades on pattern recognition

Project start date: September 23, 2009

Release date: January 01, 2011

Code name: Darwin

Technology: Artificial intelligence

Kernel version: Beta

Programming language: MQL4

Trading platform: MetaTrader

Lead programmer: code poet

Special features: Neural network, genetic algorithms, automatic money management, user defined risk levels, user controlled trading schedule, timeframe controls, curb system, dynamic Stoploss,

profit protection intelligence, system crash recovery

Code Poet. Am just thinkin out aloud here... you may get a better response if your investors can initially do a forward test for a month or so...?

100 x 250=25000 usd

a quick way to make 25k

smells of a scam to me !


ssn, a 2 weeks forward test from a demo account will be posted by june 15

buju, I'm glad you can add.. but can you read? this fee is R-E-F-U-N-D-A-B-L-E

Russell, my father tough me: if you have nothing to say is better to say nothing... if you don't like the deal just don't take it!!


The fee may very well be refundable but who on earth would invest $10k blindly into an account manager who (a) has established no track, and (b) appears to actually be doing (a) intentionally. (raises all kinds of red flags)

You are either a wolf that knows exactly what you are doing and indeed your scam is engineered towards this endeavor, or you are clueless as to the expectations most investors place on their account advisor's in which case that invites further questioning regarding the depths of what else you might not know about forex investing.

In both cases the investor is better off steering clear, which can be summed up as a single word as Russell accomplished. If you mean well then you need to wise-up and figure out how the managed account industry works (and why investors require it to be that way), if you don't mean well and you intend to scam then be prepared for all manner of unflattering opinions to be expressed in your spam threads on these forums.


ssn, a 2 weeks forward test from a demo account will be posted by june 15

buju, I'm glad you can add.. but can you read? this fee is R-E-F-U-N-D-A-B-L-E

Russell, my father tough me: if you have nothing to say is better to say nothing... if you don't like the deal just don't take it!!

Well, your Vader taught you. However, I did have something to say; just one word in big red letters 8-) Now don't make it epic

Before this thread degenerates into an ugly, unnecessary name-calling-yo-mama-so-fat kind of tabloid gossip outlet and I start losing respect for many people that I once considered intelligent contributors in this forum… I understand your concern of being taken for a ride but please read the posts first before you start filling this thread with junk. Show me the same respect I show everybody in this forum. If you are intelligent and civilized enough you will see this is NOT a scam. Not all dogs have flees! And no, I’m not going to apologize for charging a reasonable fee for 6 months of work when I’m forfeiting all the potential profit from a hard coded robot.

You don’t go to the grocer and say: “I’m going to pay 1 cent for your 25 cents apple because I can get apples from nature for free,” or do you?! Programming robots take a lot of time and effort and I’m not going to cheapen my work. Running this tests cost money so if what you are looking for is a free ride then go look somewhere else. If you want free apples then go plant an apple tree; don’t hate the neighbor for trying to grow his own apples.

There are plenty of free robots in this forum, and in the internet, which IMHO are basically toy robots with an educational value at best that can wipe out your investment in a snap: my robot is not one of them.

And, very true, there are plenty scammer in the internet so if after reading the details you still think this offer fits into that category, there’s nothing I could say or do to change that narrow view, except to offer the deal completely free and that --I’m sorry -- I can’t do.

So if you have an intelligent suggestion or constructive criticism let it flow, I welcome that but don’t assume right off the gate that this is a scam…