Volume versus contracts - page 2


ubzen, think about it from the viewpoint of the broker (specifically MT4 broker)...their servers have access to the same data you will eventually have access to (since the price info originates from their server and requires XX milliseconds to reach your computer).

If arbitrage were possible don't you think a business entity sophisticated enough to operate a brokerage would also be savvy enough to be on the lookout for arbitrage opportunities themselves and be "in before the tick" is published to the likes of you and me?

We are the lowest rung on the price-change totem pole, the likelihood of all the other business entities involved in the market creation of off-exchange spot retail forex deciding to leave arbitrage crumbs on the table are rather fantastically small.

Add into that the fact you pay rollover fees on both positions held to form the arbitrage pair and its not exactly surprising that under some extraneous occasions you appear to be presented the opportunity to snag a pip or two. But you know as well as I do that no matter how many heads you land in a row while flipping a coin you have done nothing to change the fundamentals of the game and the likelihood of getting heads versus tails on your next coin toss remains indefinitely 50/50.


ubzen, read phillip's answer carefully, I couldn't say it clearer myself.