Searching for a Function - page 2

Dear fbj
I know how to use the Book,
Documentation or embedded help! But the problem is, that the help section is a little misleading. While it seems that the function ObjectSet() should do this task but it doesn't.. instead, I found that it's the function ObjectSetText() which performs this task! I didn't imagine that it'll do cuz the name has no relevance to DESCRIPTION property! I'd prefer that the function name be ObjectSetDescription().. then I woud have found it quickly and wouldn't have u dear friend bothered :P
pardon me :)

look, no bother... please consider that this is a Russian product. Heaven forbid should I decide to develop a product in let's say, one of the Asian dialects! MT as a whole entity is pretty great, yes?
Is always easy to pick holes in virtually anything. The trick is to appreciate what is there and get on with it!
Additionally, it is just a fact that a function name will not always fully convey it's designed function(s). is fact of life. just like the MetaTrader documentation can lead the reader down a dead end = only way out is to read around the subject to get a better perspective. similar to being lost in a forest, climb a tree or get up high..., then one has better perspective and can see more/farther and ultimately make more informed decisions about what next to do, yes?
MQL4 is what it is. It has all the primitives to allow most any needed functionality to be crafted. If one finds oneself complaining about the environment then use the environments basic building blocks to resolve those complaints. eg, debugging or finding out what the code is up to can be a backbreaking exercise. the environment gives us little to use except the Print,Comment,Alert and File I/O and not forgetting the chart where one can plot whatever one wants.

This is what we have... warts and all and just take it or leave it and go elsewhere should it just prove impossible to live with it.