Suspect stats-results version 226


Just tested my EA, got some suspect results!
Is it a bug or a feature?

From the article "What the Numbers in the Expert Testing Report Mean" :
  • Total trades - total amount of trades made by the expert within testing;

  • Short positions (won %) - total amount of short positions and the precentage of profitable ones among them (profitable short positions / total amount of short positions * 100%);

  • Long positions (won %) - total amount of long positions and the precentage of profitable ones among them (profitable long positions / total amount of long positions * 100%);

  • Profit trades (% of total) - total amount of profitable transactions and percentage of the total amount of transactions (ProfitTrades / TotalTrades * 100%);

  • Loss trades (% of total) - total amount of losing transactions and percentage of the total amount of transactions (LossTrades / TotalTrades * 100%);

I see no problem with your report:
  • Short positions (won %): You had total 8 short positions, 6 of which won, hence 75% of short positions won (6/8*100%=75%).
  • Long positions (won %): You had total 4 long positions, 2 of which won, hence 50% of long positions won (2/4*100%=50%).

Ok, I see!
My mistake, I tought the "8" left to the (75.00%) is the amount of short positions I have won.
Would suggest to rename "Short positions (won %)" in "Total short positions (won %)" same for "Long ..."
So I have to use the calculator to figure out how many short/long positions I have lost/won. e.g. short: 8/100*75%=6won 8-6=2lost
Hmmm, not very handy stats, but It is a feature ;)

Anyway, thx!