Compile error -"Access Denied"


I can compile an EA no problem, until I make even the slightest change, like changing a digit, and then I can neither save or compile it and get the error "Access Denied". It is very strange because I can make a change and compile it on the Interbank platform but not on the CMS or platforms. Is there some setting in the mql4 language editor or somewhere else that I'm missing?

It's probably Windows Vista. "Save as" then rename the file as a different name, then compile. It could also be putting your file in a compatibility folder...simply move it back where you want it... (Or better yet....find a XP machine to program with).

I can compile an EA no problem, until I make even the slightest change, like changing a digit, and then I can neither save or compile it and get the error "Access Denied". It is very strange because I can make a change and compile it on the Interbank platform but not on the CMS or platforms. Is there some setting in the mql4 language editor or somewhere else that I'm missing?

I have experienced similar problems with Vista and W7. Not elegant, but I get around it by running my development implementation as Administrator. Hope this helps.

simply don't install MetaTrader in the "program files" folder.

Install it in a folder on your desktop or in "my documents". MT4 is simply not designed to run on machines with proper rights management. It seems metaquotes programmers are still using windows 95 to develop their software and never heard of user profiles and file permissions and the recommended windows directory structure.