How to draw breakout boxes through 00:00?


Hi guys,

I'm just a beginner learning how to write indicators and EA,

Now I'm trying to make my own by changing some scripts and parameter of the panca-eagle breakout indicator,

but I'm now stuck since I don't know how to make the rectanglar boxes drawn through 00:00,

I would like to set the time for the boxes to be drawn from 1500 to 0430 of the next day,

but this can't be done by solely changing the external variables since the rectangles draw backward to 0430 of the same day,

I guess some changes should be made in the part "Custom indicator iteration function", am i right?

anyway, I've tried making some changes to that part but it still didn't work right, could anyone help?

Thanks for all your help!!!

I'm posting the script below. Since this script has already been shared in this website, i guess the author won't mind.


//| BreakOutPANCA-EAGLE.mq4 |
//| hapalkos |
//| 2007.11.20 |
//| ++ modified so that rectangles do not overlay |
//| ++ this makes color selection more versatile |
//| ++ code consolidated |
#property copyright "hapalkos"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int NumberOfDays = 50;
extern string periodBegin = "00:00";
extern string periodEnd = "05:30";
extern string BoxEnd = "23:00";
extern int BoxBreakOut_Offset = 10;
extern color BoxHLColor = MidnightBlue;
extern color BoxBreakOutColor = LimeGreen;
extern color BoxPeriodColor = OrangeRed;

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
void init() {

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
void deinit() {

//| Remove all Rectangles |
void DeleteObjects() {

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
void start() {
datetime dtTradeDate=TimeCurrent();

for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {

DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, "BoxHL " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodBegin, periodEnd, BoxEnd, BoxHLColor, 0, 1);
DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, "BoxBreakOut_High " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodBegin, periodEnd, BoxEnd, BoxBreakOutColor, BoxBreakOut_Offset,2);
DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, "BoxBreakOut_Low " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodBegin, periodEnd, BoxEnd, BoxBreakOutColor, BoxBreakOut_Offset,3);
DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, "BoxPeriod " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodBegin, periodEnd, periodEnd, BoxPeriodColor, BoxBreakOut_Offset,4);

while (TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) > 5) dtTradeDate = decrementTradeDate(dtTradeDate);

//| Create Rectangles |

void DrawObjects(datetime dtTradeDate, string sObjName, string sTimeBegin, string sTimeEnd, string sTimeObjEnd, color cObjColor, int iOffSet, int iForm) {
datetime dtTimeBegin, dtTimeEnd, dtTimeObjEnd;
double dPriceHigh, dPriceLow;
int iBarBegin, iBarEnd;

dtTimeBegin = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeBegin);
dtTimeEnd = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeEnd);
dtTimeObjEnd = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeObjEnd);

iBarBegin = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dtTimeBegin);
iBarEnd = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dtTimeEnd);
dPriceHigh = High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, iBarBegin-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];
dPriceLow = Low [Lowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, iBarBegin-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];

ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1, dtTimeBegin);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2, dtTimeObjEnd);

//---- High-Low Rectangle
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

//---- Upper Rectangle
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

//---- Lower Rectangle
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

//---- Period Rectangle
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, False);
string sObjDesc = StringConcatenate("High: ",dPriceHigh," Low: ", dPriceLow, " OffSet: ",iOffSet);
ObjectSetText(sObjName, sObjDesc,10,"Times New Roman",Black);

//| Decrement Date to draw objects in the past |

datetime decrementTradeDate (datetime dtTimeDate) {
int iTimeYear=TimeYear(dtTimeDate);
int iTimeMonth=TimeMonth(dtTimeDate);
int iTimeDay=TimeDay(dtTimeDate);
int iTimeHour=TimeHour(dtTimeDate);
int iTimeMinute=TimeMinute(dtTimeDate);

if (iTimeDay==0) {
if (iTimeMonth==0) {

// Thirty days hath September...
if (iTimeMonth==4 || iTimeMonth==6 || iTimeMonth==9 || iTimeMonth==11) iTimeDay=30;
// ...all the rest have thirty-one...
if (iTimeMonth==1 || iTimeMonth==3 || iTimeMonth==5 || iTimeMonth==7 || iTimeMonth==8 || iTimeMonth==10 || iTimeMonth==12) iTimeDay=31;
// ...except...
if (iTimeMonth==2) if (MathMod(iTimeYear, 4)==0) iTimeDay=29; else iTimeDay=28;
return(StrToTime(iTimeYear + "." + iTimeMonth + "." + iTimeDay + " " + iTimeHour + ":" + iTimeMinute));


One more thing,

I'm making another indicator using the same script but different time period and colours,

I've tried both making two separate scripts and combined them into one,

however only 1 indicator is shown as outcome,

even the two boxes don't overlap each other

if i'm to make 2 separate scripts, what changes should be made to have them both shown on the chart?

if would be best if the two indicators could overlap each other

Much thanks!