The Forex Robot World Cup's Royal Trader Is Closing Its Doors (???)


email from Forex Robot World Cup Team


After a lot of thought and intensive internal debate, we have decided to close the doors of the FRWC's Royal
Trader to new clients.

On Friday March 5th, at 23:59 EST the product will be taken off the market

The reasons for this can be summed up as follows:


We promised our clients the absolute best support in the industry and that is what we intend to provide, however, there are just so many resources we can count on in order to do this well. We have reached a point were we believe our clients are getting the best and that adding new clients will only dilute the quality of support we worked so hard to build and provide.

From the beginning of this project we decided to establish a new standard in the industry... not only when it comes to FX robots but in customer support as well.

If you want to grab your FRWC's Royal Trader copy then you can still do so here: Forex Robot World Cup


Our main focus since the end of the FRWC competition was to build a great EA Lab in the members area.

We wanted to invest all our efforts into developing great robots and pushing the envelope even further when it
comes to profitability, stability and top performance...

...we wanted to provide our clients with the absolute BEST value offered in the industry.

In order to do this properly, we need to FOCUS.

Most people do not realize this, but A LOT is being invested into the EA Lab.

Now, there are just so many clients we can look after and, at the same time, focus properly on the EA Lab project. There is no sense in having the EA Lab if we cannot devote all our energy and efforts to it.

That being said, we feel that if we constantly increase the number of clients we have, we will not be able to deliver the quality WE demand from ourselves when it comes to developing new EA Lab concepts and robots.

As of now, we still can accept a limited number of clients...

do not miss this chance to join our exclusive family before the doors close: Forex Robot World Cup

All the best,
The Forex Robot World Cup Team


On Friday March 5th, at 23:59 EST the product will be taken off the market

... Still a few hours left for fools and their money to be parted. For comparison, Bernie Madoff was promising between 6% and 13% per month, not 345% in 19 days.