Press review - page 41


2013-10-30 12:30 GMT (or 13:30 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - CPI core]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for USD in our case)


U.S. Consumer Prices Rise 0.2% In September, In Line With Estimates

Consumer prices in the U.S. rose in line with economist estimates in the month of September, according to a report released by the Labor Department on Wednesday.

The Labor Department said its consumer price index rose by 0.2 percent in September after inching up by 0.1 percent in August. The modest price growth matched economist estimates.

The monthly increase in consumer prices was partly due to a rebound by energy prices, which rose by 0.8 percent in September after dipping by 0.3 percent in August.

All of the major energy component indexes increased in September, with natural gas prices showing a notable rebound after falling sharply in the previous month.

Meanwhile, the report also said food prices came in unchanged in September after inching up 0.1 percent in August.

The Labor Department said decreases in prices for fruits and vegetables and non-alcoholic beverages offset increases in other major grocery store food group indexes.

The core consumer price index, which excludes food and energy prices, edged up by 0.1 percent for the second consecutive month. Economists had expected core prices to rise by 0.2 percent.


2013-10-30 18:00 GMT (or 19:00 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - Interest Rate]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for USD in our case)


2013-10-30 18:00 GMT (or 19:00 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - FOMC Statement]


US Federal Reserve keeps stimulus intact

The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday has decided to continue with its monthly bond buying program of USD 85 billion.

Earlier in September meeting, Fed surprised the market participant by maintaining bond buying at monthly USD 85 billion against expectation of tapering by USD 10-15 billion.


2013-10-31 00:30 GMT (or 01:30 MQ MT5 time) | [AUD - Building Approvals]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for AUD in our case)


Australia Building Approvals Surge 14.4% In September

The total number of building approvals in Australia jumped a seasonally adjusted 14.4 percent in September compared to the previous month, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday, standing at 16,318.

That shattered forecasts for a gain of 2.8 percent following the upwardly revised 1.6 percent decline in August (originally -4.7 percent).

On a yearly basis, approvals spiked 18.6 percent - also blowing past forecasts for a gain of 1.2 percent following the upwardly revised11.1 percent jump in the previous month (originally 7.7 percent).

The seasonally adjusted estimate for private sector houses added 1.5 percent in September following a fall of 1.2 percent in August. Private sector dwellings excluding houses surged 31.8 percent.


Bitcoin Landscape Changes in Canada for the Better

Victor Hugo had said, “None can stop the idea whose time has come.” It looks like the idea of Bitcoin has come finally as the first ever BTC ATM has arrived in Canada. The stage was set for Bitcoin ATM a couple of months ago when the idea was germinated by Bitcoiniacs – we had reported this earlier in September.

Canada, the country which has been a country that welcomed Bitcoin wholeheartedly, has become part of history now with its first BTC ATM. The 27-year old, Mitchell Demeter, owner of Bitcoiniacs had insisted that Bitcoin kiosks would be a better option for customers to buy and sell Bitcoins and hopefully drive the adoption of Bitcoin, now the company has executed it perfectly well. Demeter believes that it will help make a mainstream currency.

Canada has Favorable Circumstances for BTC

Canada has a lot of customers and Bitcoin supporters who now prefer exchanging their Canadian dollar for Bitcoin. To convert their Canadian dollars to Bitcoin they use the services from Bitcoiniacs, a physical store in Vancouver that acts like a Bitcoin broker. Many of these customers consider that buying BTC from a physical store can be tedious at times and incurs discomfort.

However, now that things have changed and the first Bitcoin ATM has come up in Vancouver, things are not going to remain the same. May be this idea spreads around the world and various other cities get their BTC ATMs soon. A revolution has just begun and will not be stoppable. Bitcoin is getting new supporters and gaining popularity and acceptance from all corners excluding of some skeptical governments.

BTC ATM Will Change the Way Bitcoins Are Being Transacted

BTC ATMs are going to transform the way Bitcoins have traditionally been bought and sold. In fact, now there won’t be any requirement for customers to visit brokers to exchange their Canadian dollars into Bitcoin; rather, they can go to the Bitcoin ATM and get their virtual currency instantly.
Bitcoin supporters are delighted over the news and realize that it will be much more comfortable for them than ever to get user-friendly professional transactional experience with BTC ATMs.

Proactive Approach from Bitcoiniacs

A couple of months ago Bitcoiniacs had decided to install five Bitcoin kiosks from a Las Vegas-based company called RoboCoin so that it could cater its customers exchange their Canadian dollars with Bitcoin. The company had then declared that Apart from Vancouver Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Ottawa would be getting a machine each.

Bitcoin Landscape Changes in Canada for the Better - Forex Minute - Financial News | Stock Market | Trading Commodities | Binary Options Updates - Forex Minute Portal
Bitcoin Landscape Changes in Canada for the Better - Forex Minute - Financial News | Stock Market | Trading Commodities | Binary Options Updates - Forex Minute Portal
  • View all of Deepak Tiwari's Articles »
Victor Hugo had said, “None can stop the idea whose time has come.” It looks like the idea of Bitcoin has come finally as the first ever BTC ATM has arrived in Canada. The stage was set for Bitcoin ATM a couple of months ago when the idea was germinated by Bitcoiniacs – we had reported this earlier in September. Canada, the country which has...

Major Central Banks Convert Temporary Cash Lines Into Permanent Arrangements

World's six major central banks announced on Thursday that they are converting the existing temporary bilateral currency swap lines into permanent ones that will be tapped to boost liquidity at times of financial crisis.

The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank said in a joint statement that "their existing temporary bilateral liquidity swap arrangements are being converted to standing arrangements, that is, arrangements that will remain in place until further notice".

The standing arrangements will constitute a network of bilateral swap lines among the six central banks, the banks said. This will provide liquidity in each jurisdiction in any of the five currencies foreign to that jurisdiction, if the two central banks concerned judge that market conditions warrant such a move in one of their currencies.

"The existing temporary swap arrangements have helped to ease strains in financial markets and mitigate their effects on economic conditions," the central banks said. "The standing arrangements will continue to serve as a prudent liquidity backstop."

Leading central banks had entered into the liquidity boosting swap lines during the global financial crisis that began in 2008.

Major Central Banks Convert Temporary Cash Lines Into Permanent Arrangements
Major Central Banks Convert Temporary Cash Lines Into Permanent Arrangements
World's six major central banks announced on Thursday that they are converting the existing temporary bilateral currency swap lines into permanent ones that will be tapped to boost liquidity at times of financial crisis. The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss...

2013-10-31 10:00 GMT (or 11:00 MQ MT5 time) | [EUR - CPI]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for EUR in our case)


Eurozone Inflation Slows Unexpectedly In October

Eurozone inflation slowed unexpectedly in October largely due to a notable fall in energy prices, official data showed Thursday.

Inflation fell to 0.7 percent in October from 1.1 percent in September, flash estimate published by Eurostat revealed Thursday. The rate was expected to stay unchanged at 1.1 percent in October.

Inflation continues to remain below the European Central Bank's 2 percent ceiling.

Core inflation that excludes cost of energy, food, alcohol and tobacco eased to 0.8 percent in October from 1 percent a month ago. Energy prices declined 1.7 percent, while the growth in food, alcohol and tobacco eased to 1.9 percent from 2.6 percent in September.


2013-11-01 00:56 GMT (or 01:56 MQ MT5 time) | [CNY - Manufacturing PMI]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for CNY in our case)


China Manufacturing PMI 51.4 In October

China's official manufacturing purchasing managers' index came in with a score of 51.4 in October, the government said on Friday.

That topped expectations for a reading of 51.2 and marked an increase from the 51.1 score in September.

Also, the HSBC manufacturing PMI posted a score of 50.9 for October - beating expectations for 50.7 and up from 50.2 in the previous month.

In both cases, a score above 50 signals expansion in a sector and below represents contraction.


Trading the News: U.S. ISM Manufacturing

"A slowdown in the ISM Manufacturing survey may undermine the rebound in the U.S. dollar as it highlights a slowing recovery in the world’s largest economy."

USD Rebound at Risk as ISM Manufacturing Slows
USD Rebound at Risk as ISM Manufacturing Slows
  • David Song
A slowdown in the ISM Manufacturing survey may undermine the rebound in the U.S. dollar as it highlights a slowing recovery in the world’s largest economy. omic and financial developments,’ and we may see the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) ultimately carry its highly accommodative policy stance into 2014 to further combat the downside...

2013-11-01 14:00 GMT (or 15:00 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - ISM Manufacturing PMI]

if actual > forecast = good for currency (for USD in our case)


U.S. Manufacturing Index Unexpectedly Inches Higher In October

Activity in the U.S. manufacturing sector unexpectedly expanded at a slightly faster rate in the month of October, according to a report released by the Institute for Supply Management on Friday.

The ISM said its purchasing managers index inched up to 56.4 in October from 56.2 in September, with a reading above 50 indicating an increase in manufacturing activity.

The modest increase came as a surprise to economists, who had expected the index of manufacturing activity to dip to 55.0.


The Week Ahead: Will November Surprise the Bulls or Bears

"The stock market surprised the majority of analysts again in October as the S&P was up 4.4%, the Nasdaq 100 was up 3.8%, and the Russell 2000 gained 2.5%. The Dow Industrials did a bit better than the small caps, for a change, as it was up 2.7% but the Dow Transports led the pack, up close to 6%."

The Week Ahead: Will November Surprise the Bulls or Bears?
The Week Ahead: Will November Surprise the Bulls or Bears?
  • Tom Aspray
The stock market surprised the majority of analysts again in October as the S&P was up 4.4%, the Nasdaq 100 was up 3.8%, and the Russell 2000 gained 2.5%. The Dow Industrials did a bit better than the small caps, for a change, as it was up 2.7% but the Dow Transports led the pack, up close to 6%. Last summer, several analysts warned investors about the poor historical record for stock prices in September as in the past 60 years, the S&P was down on average 0.8%. The technical picture in early September had improved as many stocks had already reached good support. At the end of September, many were again concerned about the potential for an “October crash” and the government shutdown caused some to sell in a panic. The dramatic rally from the October lows reinforces that it is better to invest or trade based on hard data not emotion. So how do stocks normally do in November? Since 1952, the S&P has averaged a gain of 1.40% as it was up 41 years and down just 20. Going...