Bars in period


Hi, i´m new in this world, sorry if the question is dumb...

I´m writting a script.

I´m try to fetch prices from period in a Mysql DB. When i execute my script in grahpic only fetch bars in graphic...

What i do for return results since May 2007 to September 2007 in a 15 min period?

Only i can do querys about bars in graphic?



Hi, i´m new in this world, sorry if the question is dumb...

I´m writting a script.

I´m try to fetch prices from period in a Mysql DB. When i execute my script in grahpic only fetch bars in graphic...

What i do for return results since May 2007 to September 2007 in a 15 min period?

Only i can do querys about bars in graphic?


You can 'query' bar data up to the amount of bars in history for a specific symbol/time-frame, under the limitation of max bars in history/chart setting.

In order to minimize the limitation (and enable max amount of bars) u need to change the 'max bars' setting: Terminal Menu > Tools > Options > Charts tab > fill 'Max bars in history' and 'Max bars in chart' with 9999999999 and press 'OK'. Additionally u need to download the data for the specific symbol/time-frame in order to have access to it.


Ok, thanks you...

I´ve done in MT4 options and now work it.

Thanks again