My errors are reappearing. Help.

Hello to you all. Compilier tells me left paraenthesis expected, then tells me unexpected. Same with tokens, the need more assignments,etc.
Can someone give me a hand? Problems are in the Closing Orders. Cheers 
double ATR;
double Slippage;
double StopLoss;
double TakeProfit;
double Lots;
//--------Trade Criteria-------------

extern double Open_Level_ATR ;
extern double Close_level_ATR ;


int start()
  {                                                                  //1L  (L = left brace)
    if (Ask > (High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,10, 1)])==true)
       {                                                             //2L
         ATR = iATR(NULL,0,20,1);                                    //GV calculation for exit
          {                                                          //3L
            if (OrdersTotal() == 0)
              {                                                      //4L
               int Buy = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,Slippage,Ask-StopLoss*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point);                         
              }                                                      //4L  1R  (R = right brace) 
      {                                                              //5L  1R
         if (Bid < (Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,10, 1)])==true)
           {                                                         //6L  1R
             ATR = iATR(NULL,0,20,1);                                //GV calculation for exit
                {                                                    //7L  1R
                  if (OrdersTotal() == 0)
                    {                                                //8L  1R
                      int Sell = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Ask,Slippage,Ask-StopLoss*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point);
                     }                                               //8L  2R
             }                                                       //8L  3R               
           }                                                         //8L  4R
         }                                                           //8L  5R
       }                                                             //8L  6R
     }                                                               //8L  7R
//------------- Closing Orders -----------------

double Amount;
double total;

for(Amount=0; Amount < total; Amount++)
  {                                                                   //9L  7R
    OrderSelect(Amount, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if(OrderType() == OP_BUY &&                                     //Any open LONG position? 
         OrderSymbol()==Symbol())                                     //What is the symbol?
           {                                                          //10L  7R
           //  if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)                                  //If long position is opened
             //   {                                                     //11L  7R
                  if (OrderSelect(OrderOpenPrice) - (ATR*2) = true);        //
                    {                                                 //12L  7R
                OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,3,Blue);     //Position closed
             }                                                        //12L  8R
     {                                                                //13L  8R
       for(Amount=0; Amount < total; Amount++)
         {                                                            //14L  8R    
            OrderSelect(Amount, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
               if(OrderType() == OP_SELL &&                             //Any open SHORT position? 
                  OrderSymbol()==Symbol())                              //What is the symbol?
                    {                                                   //15L  8R
                      if(OrderType()==OP_SELL);                         //If SHORT position is opened
                        {                                               //16L  8R
                          if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2; //Should it be closed?                                                  
                            {                                           //17L  8R
                       OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,3,Red); // Position closed
                       }                                                //17L  9R
                 return(0);                                             //Exit Algorithm
                }                                                       //17L  10R
              }                                                         //17L  11R
            }                                                           //17L  12R
          }                                                             //17L  13R
        }                                                               //17L  14R
    //  }                                                                 //17L  15R

From your code (and your R/L braces comments) it seems u don't understand the concepts of blocks, nested blocks, proper indentation and generally how to use braces.

I recommend u re-read about compound operators and about Conditional Operator 'if - else' in the book. I'll try to give some pointers:

In the following code:

if (Ask > (High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,10, 1)])==true)

'>' has the same precedence as '==' so the expression would be evaluated from left to right. Hence this expression can be simplified and is equal to this:

if (Ask > High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,10, 1)])

In the following code:

int start()
  {                                                                  //1L  (L = left brace)
    if (Ask > (High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,10, 1)])==true)
       {                                                             //2L
         ATR = iATR(NULL,0,20,1);                                    //GV calculation for exit
          {                                                          //3L
            if (OrdersTotal() == 0)
              {                                                      //4L
               int Buy = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,Slippage,Ask-StopLoss*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point);                         
      {                                                              //5L  1R

There is no need to open a new block after 'ATR=iATR...', it serves no purpose (hence no need to indent the line after it). Braces are not needed around a single expression (int Buy = ...), that just 'wastes' lines. Indentation should 'fit' the blocks and emphasis their structure.

So the code should look like this:

int start()
   if (Ask > High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,10, 1)])
      ATR = iATR(NULL,0,20,1);                                       
      if (OrdersTotal() == 0)
         int Buy = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,Slippage,Ask-StopLoss*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point);                         

In your code the 'else' refers to if (OrdersTotal == 0 )... In the fixed code 'else' refers to if (Ask > High[...) which I assume is what u meant. BTW - I assume u have a reason to calculate the ATR at that point in the code (if not, then that line shouldn't be there),

Notice that each indentation level begins with an 'open' brace and finishes with a 'close' brace. If your code was properly indented, then u would have seen immediately where u had missing braces.

If you understand my example, u can very easily fix the rest of the code.

for(Amount=0; Amount < total; Amount++)
    OrderSelect(Amount, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
       if(OrderType() == OP_SELL &&
                  if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2;
This also will not work. Once you close position 0 position 1 becomes 0, etc and you skip every other position.
// v rename amount to something else, that's not an amount.
for(int index = OrdersTotal() - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (
    OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS)                   // Only my orders w/
&&  OrderMagicNumber()  == MagicNumber                  // my magic number
&&  OrderSymbol()       == Symbol() ) {             // and period and symbol
    // v Delete semi
    // v putting brackets on same line reads easier, more compact.
    if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) {  
        // v missing open paren/delete semi/comparison is == not = 
        // v Do not compare doubles with ==
        // v Do you mean OrderClose() <= OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2 ei Bid below 2 atr
        if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2; 
            // ^ Test for failure and print errors
        return(0);                                              // < delete process all
    }   // Sell
}   // For
gordon wrote >>

From your code (and your R/L braces comments) it seems u don't understand the concepts of blocks, nested blocks, proper indentation and generally how to use braces.

I recommend u re-read about compound operators and about Conditional Operator 'if - else' in the book. I'll try to give some pointers:

In the following code:

'>' has the same precedence as '==' so the expression would be evaluated from left to right. Hence this expression can be simplified and is equal to this:

In the following code:

There is no need to open a new block after 'ATR=iATR...', it serves no purpose (hence no need to indent the line after it). Braces are not needed around a single expression (int Buy = ...), that just 'wastes' lines. Indentation should 'fit' the blocks and emphasis their structure.

So the code should look like this:

In your code the 'else' refers to if (OrdersTotal == 0 )... In the fixed code 'else' refers to if (Ask > High[...) which I assume is what u meant. BTW - I assume u have a reason to calculate the ATR at that point in the code (if not, then that line shouldn't be there),

Notice that each indentation level begins with an 'open' brace and finishes with a 'close' brace. If your code was properly indented, then u would have seen immediately where u had missing braces.

If you understand my example, u can very easily fix the rest of the code.

Hello Gordon

Many thanks. Many.

The first part where I thought it was OK, your guidence shorten the code and cleaned it up.

I stumbled thru the first few lines of the closing order block and it cleaned up. But have a look at todays thread " Down from 18 errors to 5. Little help please. " I have a few questions .

Thanks again

WHRoeder wrote >>
This also will not work. Once you close position 0 position 1 becomes 0, etc and you skip every other position.

Hello WHRoeder

Thank you for your reply and your help. I have just opened this thread again, to find you made some further guidance and I appreciate the help. I will put the info to good use.

If you could take a look at the thread I posted today "Down from 18 errors to 5. Little help please", could this be what was confuseing me? The fix and clean up for the Closing Orders did not seem to be clear to me.

Thanks again. It is the help that you, Gordon, CB, and so many more I have made contact with, that makes this site so friendly and worthwhile to attend.



Hello WHRoeder,

Forgive me for copying your solution straight from the post. I have expanded the code so that it will also close out the Sell Orders. I gave a brief discription, due to you were asking if such and such was to do this or that.

double MagicNumber;
for(int index = OrdersTotal() - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (
    OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS)                   // Only my orders w/
&&  OrderMagicNumber()  == MagicNumber                  // my magic number
&&  OrderSymbol()       == Symbol() ) {             // and period and symbol
    // v Delete semi
    // v putting brackets on same line reads easier, more compact.
    if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) {  
        // v missing open paren/delete semi/comparison is == not = 
        // v Do not compare doubles with ==
        // v Do you mean OrderClose() <= OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2 ei Bid below 2 atr
        if OrderSelect ()= OrderOpenPrice() - ATR*2; //The Buy entry was breakout to the up side. 
                                                     //Eventually it will reverse. When it does reverse, do this:
                                                     //OrderSelect=OrderOpenPrice - (ATR*2)
                                                     //There is more to this code.
                                                     //Additional Buy Entries at (ATR/2) consistently, until reverse 
                                                     //in trend. Yes there are many loseing trades with this strategy.
                                                     //Runs close to Richard Dennis, Turtle trade.
                                                     //Let the winner run. 
            // ^ Test for failure and print errors
        return(0);                                              // < delete process all
    }   // Sell
}   // For
else  {
  if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)  {
    if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() + ATR*2;  {

Hello Again Ais,

Thanks for the info as always.

I did insert as instructed with no help. Not more errors. The total errors that exist has not changed.

There are 19 errors. 18 of which (9 and 9) with the "if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() - (ATR*2);" // 9 errors here

"if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() +(ATR*2); // 9 more errors here

And one error when using 'else'. ???

Not sure from my understanding. One code gives me 5 errors. The other gives me 19. Both codes have their own merits. With all errors confined to the same lines includeing the 'else'.

Cheers to all


Hello to all the have helped,

Thanks for all your efforts. Just to let you know, the code will have more. Such as blocks for errors, position sizing, comments, and alerts.

My idea was to put this together a piece at a time. I am hoping not to screw it up when the extras are added to it. If you believe I am going about it wrong, please inform me.



The condition is needed to be changed: "if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() +(ATR*2);"


And "if OrderSelect() = OrderOpenPrice() +(ATR*2);"

^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a more convenient way to program complex conditions: " int iA ; int iB ; int iC ; int iD ; int iCondition1 ; int iCondition2 ; int iConditionFinal ;

iCondition1 = ( iA > iB ) ; iCondition2 = ( iC > iD ) ; iConditionFinal = ( iCondition1 && iCondition2) ; if ( iConditionFinal == true ) { } else { } "     Code check example:  " int iException                                                            ; // delete after test   int iA ; int iB ; int iC ; int iD ;   int iCondition1                                 ; int iCondition2                                 ; int iConditionFinal                             ;   iException = GetLastError ()                                              ; // delete after test Alert ( "Test Start "    , "iException= "       , iException        ) ; // delete after test   iCondition1     = ( iA > iB )                   ;   iException = GetLastError ()                                              ; // delete after test Alert ( "Test Alert 1: " , "iException= "       , iException      , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iA= "               , iA              , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iB= "               , iB              , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iCondition1= "      , iCondition1           ) ; // delete after test   iCondition2     = ( iC > iD )                   ;   iException = GetLastError ()                                              ; // delete after test Alert ( "Test Alert 2: " , "iException= "       , iException      , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iC= "               , iC              , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iD= "               , iD              , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iCondition2= "      , iCondition2           ) ; // delete after test   iConditionFinal = ( iCondition1 && iCondition2) ;   iException = GetLastError ()                                              ; // delete after test Alert ( "Test Alert 3: " , "iException= "       , iException      , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iCondition1= "      , iCondition1     , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iCondition2= "      , iCondition2     , " " ,   // delete after test                            "iConditionFinal= "  , iConditionFinal       ) ; // delete after test   if   ( iConditionFinal == true ) { Alert ( "Test Alert 4: ", "true " ) ; } else                             { Alert ( "Test Alert 5: ", "else " ) ; }   iException = GetLastError ()                                              ; // delete after test Alert ( "Test End "      , "iException= "       , iException            ) ; // delete after test



Hello Ais

That's a different approach. It has the eary lessons from the MQL4 book.

I will have a go with this and get back.

Thank you
