One of my terminals will not create statements !


Hi, I have 3 terminals (V225) running on one PC, all are installed in different root directories.

Two of them will create statements, but one will not. The html file is nowhere to be found and

I don't think its even created. This terminal is the only one with active template on the charts, and

the Journal says: cannot open the template file. Template works as expected on the charts so

I believe its ok.

U know of a solution ?


Hi, I have 3 terminals (V225) running on one PC, all are installed in different root directories.

Two of them will create statements, but one will not. The html file is nowhere to be found and

I don't think its even created. This terminal is the only one with active template on the charts, and

the Journal says: cannot open the template file. Template works as expected on the charts so

I believe its ok.

U know of a solution ?

Make sure that u have the html report templates in the "\mt4\templates\" folder (they are named: statement.htm, StatementDetailed.htm, OptimizationReport.htm, strategytester.htm).

If u don't then copy them from one of the other Terminals.