Broker's ; Are they with "zero-sum game" or "try their best" going to turn the market towards ? - page 4

You may have some issue with one of your computer. The best way to check that is to reverse your platform.

what that mran ; " reverse your platform. "

reverse ?

do you mean " reinstall " ?

i have this problem on both computer

 ( same pc & my laptop )




you mean i change my broker then use another platform ?


hi & than you,

what that mran ; " reverse your platform. "

reverse ?

Sorry, I was not very clear. I mean, if you have now Broker1 on Computer1 and Broker2 on Computer2, try to reverse install new platforms to have Broker1 on Computer2 and Broker2 on Computer1. That could give you some clues about your issue. Hope that helps.


Sorry, I was not very clear. I mean, if you have now Broker1 on Computer1 and Broker2 on Computer2, try to reverse install new platforms to have Broker1 on Computer2 and Broker2 on Computer1. That could give you some clues about your issue. Hope that helps.

thank to fast reply.

i have both 2 platform on 2 computers.

anyway i will reinstall .

thank you