Pop up box missing


Anyone can advice me, what i lack off in this script? I wanted the script to prompt me how much lot i want for this trade, but once i excute this trade, it just self excute without prompt. I insert the "extern" but still no use, did i use at the right way? Sorry, still new to programming and keep asking a lot question in the forum. Thanks

extern double Lots = 0.1;

int start()

int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,3,0,0,"expert comment",255,0,Green);
int error=GetLastError();
Print("Error = ",ErrorDescription(error));


Anyone can advice me, what i lack off in this script? I wanted the script to prompt me how much lot i want for this trade, but once i excute this trade, it just self excute without prompt. I insert the "extern" but still no use, did i use at the right way? Sorry, still new to programming and keep asking a lot question in the forum. Thanks

extern double Lots = 0.1;

int start()

int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,3,0,0,"expert comment",255,0,Green);
int error=GetLastError();
Print("Error = ",ErrorDescription(error));

Add this line on the top of script:

#property show_inputs

thanks for the advice. it works.