Remove "Expert Advisor" From email

Hi All

I was wondering if there is a way to remove the words "Expert Advisor" from the email that an EA sends using Sendmail and replace it with something a little more meaningful ?

Ive looked for the answer so apologies if its been answered elsewhere
Hi All

I was wondering if there is a way to remove the words "Expert Advisor" from the email that an EA sends using Sendmail and replace it with something a little more meaningful ?

Ive looked for the answer so apologies if its been answered elsewhere

No, u can only change message and title. There's an official answer from MQ to this question somewhere in the forums, but I can't find it now...


No, u can only change message and title. There's an official answer from MQ to this question somewhere in the forums, but I can't find it now...

oh . ok many thanks for the reply . Shame that . will have to figure out another way then


Configure MT4 to send the emails to an email address that you have set up as a distribution hub - on an email service that allows you to set filters. Then you can possibly identify and forward the emails with altered headers.



oh . ok many thanks for the reply . Shame that . will have to figure out another way then

See here: