USD to Russian - page 2


In addition, we have korean, chinese, japanese, and many other countries in our client collection [...]

But what currencies are their accounts denominated in? For example, I'm not aware of any Japanese MT4 brokers - though there may very well be some - so your Japanese clients could well have USD accounts with US brokers.

It still seems probable that the risk your clients are taking on is based, pretty arbitrarily, on the exchange rate between their deposit currency and whatever you've based your lot sizing on.


But what currencies are their accounts denominated in? For example, I'm not aware of any Japanese MT4 brokers - though there may very well be some - so your Japanese clients could well have USD accounts with US brokers.

It still seems probable that the risk your clients are taking on is based, pretty arbitrarily, on the exchange rate between their deposit currency and whatever you've based your lot sizing on.

I agree with jjc on this.

LEHayes, the whole point was that risk would be measured by your parameter R = Risk in decimal. No? If so, it doesn't make sense that the client's risk would rely on such an arbitrary factor such as their chosen deposit currency. I mean many brokers allow clients to deposit money in numerous currencies... And clients have their own preference.

I think your function should read the account's deposit currency and optionally manipulate margin required to adjust for different currencies.


I think I have found the actual problem in the calculation that is doing this:

If this is the case, though, wouldn't I have a ton of complaints from my JPN, KOR, China clients? I think we are off base here and it is not the real issue. I just got a client that was not russian or a part of the global configuration per say... His account was a $5k, and it was taking trades in the .x instead of .0x lot sizes. This brought out a different posssibility to the problem. Maybe it is not a foreign currency conversion, but instead, it might be the brokers min lot size. If broker does not allow .01, but does allow .1, then this would explain everything. The only problem is, how can I compensate when this is the case. I never stopped to think that a brokers .1 instead of .01 would lead to over leveraging with the intense calculation I am doing in the MM.

Based on the calculation in the MM I have right now, how can I change the code to compensate for this?

I am going to put this on my post to see what others might suggest as well.


If this is the case, though, wouldn't I have a ton of complaints from my JPN, KOR, China clients?

As before: not necessarily, because their accounts may be in USD.

It's possible that there is also an issue with the broker's minimum lot size. However, from everything which I've read on this forum, I'd expect an order to be declined if it's below the minimum, not adjusted to the minimum. I've just tried this on an FXCM account with a minimum lot size of 0.1, and an order for 0.09 lots is declined with error #131.


As before: not necessarily, because their accounts may be in USD.

People who come from a country who's currency is one of the Majors, usually assume that in other countries people open accounts in the local currency. The fact is that in most parts of the world accounts are in Majors only (regardless of the local currency), simply because it makes more sense (the majority of trading happens with the Major's anyway).

Hayes, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of your Asian clients actually have accounts in one of the Majors (probably USD).

However, from everything which I've read on this forum, I'd expect an order to be declined if it's below the minimum, not adjusted to the minimum.

I haven't seen any official answer to this, but I am pretty sure it would be rejected as well.


It would not be declined if it was below the broker min value, because of the if condition that says if below broker min lot size, then set lot to broker min lot. In truth, I really should change this to say, don't take a trade.

The evidence has really presented itself. since making this issue known and studying peoples situations, the only common denomonator is the difference in brokers min lot size. We have a mix of clients bot intl and US based that have experienced the same results and they have all had broker min lot issue.