NiuTrader-a new way the sync all your mt4 accounts.


Hi,my name is Simon,I am glad to introduce the NiuTrader to you all. NiuTrader software can share your trading signal to all your mt4 accounts.Right now only has Chinese version,but sooner will has English version.Here is the demo video:


since more than 30years each programming language is based on english (if,then,else,while,for)

there is nothing like "wenn,dann,ansonsten,während,für" (german), even inspite of the fact, that the first computer was designed and build by a german, the genius konrad zuse.

every professional coder uses therefore english comments and the first release of the final product is also in english.

the number of people, who are able to translate english in another language is a little bit higher than the amount of people, who are able to translate chinese or russian in english


> the first release of the final product is also in english.

MT5. Russian.


MT5. Russian.

i have talked from professional coders.


the first computer was designed and build by a german, the genius konrad zuse.

...not to mention Charles Babbage, nearly 100 years earlier. :-)