Help Writing to csv file


HI, Can anyone help me add the following script code, so that data into a CSV was imported into columns and cells?

int start()
      if(handle<0) return(0);
      FileWrite(handle,"Ticket #,Open Time,Type,");
Question not understood. Create a script. paste code into script. Compile. Drag script onto a chart. Import the file.

Hi. I believe that MT4 does not place data into columns or least not in a way that you can manually open the .csv and see the data listed by column or cell.

This thread might help you


Your code should work properly except for one minor problem - instead of:

FileWrite(handle,"Ticket #,Open Time,Type,Lots,Symbol,Open Price,Stop/Loss,Take Profit,Close Time,Close Price,Profit,Comment");

Should be:

FileWrite(handle,"Ticket #","Open Time","Type","Lots","Symbol","Open Price","Stop/Loss","Take Profit","Close Time","Close Price","Profit","Comment");

This way the header will be in columns as well.

Your code produces a delimited comma-separated cvs file. In my Mac MS Office 2008, I open new Excel file and then IMPORT the cvs file. Then select cvs file type, then select delimited, then select next, then select comma and then select Finish.