Scripts in MT4 from Tradeview forex


Hey folks, I'm wondering if some of you already have experiences with script execution problems in Tradeview's MT4 platform. Every time I want to run script in the platform I got an error message or script simply doesn't run.

I used the same scripts on other broker's MT4 platforms (both real and demo) and it worked fine, but on Tradeview's platform it doesn't. I also attach the script file I'm using but generally no scripts work (even the original ones which were part of the installation)

Is there anything I should set or what can be the problem?

I would very appreciate your help.



It would help if you post the errors you get... But you might want to check your broker's digits/stop-level if they fit the script.

Thanks for the hint Gordon, I already checked the digits before but no results. The error message I got is only the one which is part of the script "Alert("Open buy stop error")" so nothing really generated by MT4. I also tried the scripts in older version of Tradeview's MT4 (where if I remember right it worked before) but since Tradeview changed their servers and I had to copy the server files from new MT4 to the older version. The result is the scripts don't work also in older version after updating server files.

Could this be the problem? I mean some change in server's configuration.