Looking for info on signal mirroring set-up via MT4 EA - page 2


Attachment is from http://www.collective2.com/static/info/mtinfo.htm use decompiler to study it.

Check out section 7.1 of the User Manual. It contains what, in practice, is a show-stopping issue for most users of MT4 EAs.


Check out section 7.1 of the User Manual. It contains what, in practice, is a show-stopping issue for most users of MT4 EAs.

You're probably right.

The attachment is only sample for tbuitendyk to decompile to study the codes. :)

jjc wrote >>

Check out section 7.1 of the User Manual. It contains what, in practice, is a show-stopping issue for most users of MT4 EAs.

7 Frequently Asked Questions

1. When a trade is sent to Collective2, it is showing bizarre (and large) lots sizes. Why?

Collective2 cannot accept trades for fractional lots that are less than 1, such as 0.20. If it receives

an order with that amount, it has recalculated the lot size to large numbers. Check you lot

multiplier and lot sizes within your EA to make sure they will trade lots larger than 1.

No kidding, that is a show stopper indeed. Our EA requires mini-lot resolution unless client traders have large accounts and/or deep pockets. Being conservative investors we don't do or offer set-ups even approaching 100:1.


i have understood this in another way.

your ea trades whatever lotsize you want, but when you sending data to collective2, you have to set the lotmultiplier in the interface to reach 1 LOT

maybe this is necessarie to make comparable data for each ea which sends data of trades...

meikel wrote >>

i have understood this in another way.

your ea trades whatever lotsize you want, but when you sending data to collective2, you have to set the lotmultiplier in the interface to reach 1 LOT

maybe this is necessarie to make comparable data for each ea which sends data of trades...

You may be right... We can take it up with their t/s or pre-sales support to determine what exactly they are getting at here. In retrospect it seems unlikely that they would force everyone to trade increments of standard lots.

cloudbreaker wrote >>

You could have a look at this. I've never used it so can't comment. Not sure if it's exactly what you're after.



Thanks cloudbreaker, that looks exactly right. It looks like remote duplication of trades can be handled by use of a locally monitored investor login as someone suggested. I need to contact the programmers and see what's involved in procuring a copy.


Thanks cloudbreaker, that looks exactly right. It looks like remote duplication of trades can be handled by use of a locally monitored investor login as someone suggested. I need to contact the programmers and see what's involved in procuring a copy.

Google MT4 copy trader and you'll find plenty :). Ask for demo, some even free if you want to search further


I would like to thank everybody who helped out with useful info regarding this topic. Not knowing what to search for is the hardest part sometimes. With the leads provided here I found a number of options (unfortunately it looks like many of them my have been ripped off from an original programmer) and it looks like the most solid and robust is this one: http://www.signalcopy.com/. Their top-level product, SignalCopyMySQL seems very robust. I've read the documentation and looked at videos of it running and it seems promising.

If we end up buying this product I'll try to remember to post a review of our results with it.

Thanks again all

-- successful trading, tb.


Traders & developers --

We have developed a successful trading EA which is running live on a large account with success.

Our plan is to NOT release this EA, but we are looking at providing managed accounts on our own network facilities and possibly also an automated signaling service along the lines of Rent A Signal but without the middle man. Hence this post.

Is anyone aware of a signal sharing client/server set-up implemented as an MT4 EA which would allow us to send out signals from our main account as the "service" side to subscribers running the "client" side on their own MT4 platforms? The point would be for our open account positions to be duplicated on our client's terminals against their own accounts in realtime.

thx, tbuitendyk.


I have just finished to design such service.

However it will be ready only one-two month from now.

I will give this for free for one year to the first five users.

My architecture will be slight different from what I think exist in the market,

Each node can be master/slave/both (trades from all accounts can be duplicated to all accounts),

All features such currency filters, 4/5 digits support and different brokers lots size support will be included.

HA (high availability) and full scalability will be included.

This is going to be a piece of work.

