Possible wrong definition of DayOfYear() and DayOfWeek() in the documentation? - page 2


Ticks do come in, in another thread. But those functions might indeed be looking at the last known server time since your expert or script's thread started. And that would be perfectly fine. I don't see the issue. This is why RefreshRates() is recommended to see if it does more than just update the rates. It may also get last known server everything, despite its name.

Nope. RefreshRates() only does -

bool RefreshRates( )

Refreshing of data in pre-defined variables and series arrays.

If you don't use pre-defined variables or series arrays you dont need to use it at all. I personally don't use them (I get data via MarketInfo() function) so I don't need to use RefreshRates() and everything works fine. U can easily verify that last known server time has nothing to do with RefreshRates():

int start()

Run this and u can c the time changing just fine.


Here, one more thing to support what I'm saying, this is on all the similar functions, but strangely missing from DayOfYear and DayOfWeek, but I think it was meant to be there(the part I made bold):

int Hour( )

Returns the hour (0,1,2,..23) of the last known server time by the moment of the program start (this value will not change within the time of the program execution).

Edit: I see you even reffered to those functions. OK, I give up. non-issue :)

Email the doc guy I guess, lol.

Exactly. So my original question is - is the bold part missing in the manual for these functions or did I stumble upon a bug in these functions?