where can i write MQL4 code - page 2


I wasn't even aware that I was being sarcastic until you pointed it out for me.

Just goes to show how much superior your perception is, when compared to mine.

Thanks for that.



Apperently you don't like being on the recieving end of such abuse as you regularily spew out on others that don't have the same proficiency in this that you do. My observations and feedback wasn't anywhere near as cutting or a put down as yours are and was a lot more posative and contructive. Nice feeling eh ?

how long it takes to become good programer in it.Im not quick learner.

a GOOD programmer ?

thats easy, that can be done in a dozen of years, but very basic is the 20 years of someones life beginning from birth till leaving school

you need curiousity, you should be able to analyze problems etc. without the help of others with good results.

the nextstep is the ability to read a manual and use it, again, without the help of others.

then you should be able to debug your own bs-code you have written, the most essential part of a programmers life, and again, without the help of others.

slowly you become better, and if you are new to one of the programming languages in the world and have coded in other languages,

it may only take one year to be a GOOD programmer in this specific language, which is new to you....

i suggest, if you dont have written even a simple programm in your life, do this first before coding serious problems and solutions.

or would you think you could tune your car by modifing the chips inside ?

that will either end with a dead engine or a dead driver or both

maybe you or your friends/family have enough money to survive newbie codings in forex-EAs, but in this case i think, my pocket is a better place for their money.

i have a paypal account, and my advice in this post can save you thousands of dollars, so a little donation would be nice.





Apperently you don't like being on the recieving end of such abuse as you regularily spew out on others that don't have the same proficiency in this that you do. My observations and feedback wasn't anywhere near as cutting or a put down as yours are and was a lot more posative and contructive. Nice feeling eh ?

Doug - I think you reckon I take this much more seriously than I do, mate.

Have a look and you'll see a few posts where I explicitly mention that I don't think I'm anywhere near good enough as a programmer, and that my knowledge of the forex markets is abysmal (but just enough at present for what I do).

But the mix of help, mentoring, sarcasm and humour is here to stay, so you'll need to build a bridge. We don't want this place to get too dull and predictable!


Hi CB,
As with most of us, we're are not usually too self aware and just act atuomatically and for the most part unconsciously out of our temprement, ingrained peronality, behaviour patterns, coping mechinisms, etc. You are obviously a very sharp guy and with the advantge of having much more education than most that is relevant to this field The assistance that you do give to many IS very valauable. But many times your impatience, especialy with newbie's IS needlesly cutting and cruel, though you my not see it as such or even be aware ot it. While I can and do understand the frustration that can and does come from such a disparity in knowledge I am very empathetic and feel for the people that get needlessly 'flayed' by you. As I recently told someone very experienced and knowlegeable both about the ForEx and MQL and who was mocking me because I asked a 'newbie' question, which I most certainly am so how could I do anything but; that it didn't warrent the mocking as the only 'stupid' thing to do in my position was NOT to ask because of apprehension about not wanting to look like I was ignorant, which I most definatley am about ForEx & especaiily programming (I'm just learning to 'roll over', 'crawling' still seems a very LONG way off) or appearing to be stupid, which I am not. Well, most of the time anyway (< 8) I guess for your mates and people that know you and recognize that that is just your way, but alas that is usually not the case in the instances here CB. You are British after all and we do have to make allowances for that ! LoL Just kidding CB! (< 8) It may not appear as such to you, but I was genuinely trying to be supportive and helpful by 'holding up a mirror for you to 'see yourself'. On the one hand while no one will ever know us as we know ourselves, in many ways the hardest person for us to see clearly is ourselves. I've had the impulse multiple times in my life to do some amateur acting just so I could 'take a break from myself' Though being the 'know it all' that I am, if I give it more serious contemplation for more than just a fleeting moment, I would want to start off being the Director, though I know nothing about any of that realm at all. So though it may not seemed as it was, I was truly trying to be supportive and positive of you. My appologies if I was inept in my attempts to do so. I most definately bear you no ill will CB, nor want to lock horns or Egos with you and most definately not make an enimy out of you. It really does come down to 'the Golden Rule' No, not this one: 'Those with the Gold Rule!" LoL Treat others as you want to be treated yourself. Like many such things about being a human, sentient beings, easy to say, harder to do: especially 'in the moment' of an ongoing conversation etc. But in a written medium like this, we do have the opportuntiy to step back and have time to see if what we are 'saying' is really what we want to send out into the world and if it is what we want to be judged on. Having to deal with other humans that like most of us are really quite 'frail' in many ways, HOW we say something, as opposed to what we are saying, can and does make a significant difference in the effectiveness of it and how it is received, if at all. Also being human, self aware and sentient, we do have the POSSIBILITY of true 'Free Will' and not just blinldy carrying on the same way as we always have. In this lifetime I have always been a very strong seeker of knowledge, truth, understanding and wisdom in virtually everything. When I was young, my father told me many times that I should be a lawyer as I liked to 'argue so much'. But as I am very interested in TRUE communication, which is a lot rarer than most people think, in my late teens when it became quite apperent to me that arguing was not coducive to good, effective communication and all of the things that CAN happen when it does transpire, I quite consiously set about replacing my argumentative mode with one that was a much more effective. To this day in conversation I still have to remind myself not to start of by making the automatic response that I usually tend to of: 'No, but ....' with 'Yes and....' which in most cases is what I want really want to say and mean. That is not to say that I am just automatically agree, but that I heard what the other person was saying and understand it. If I'm not sure that I have understood the other person, I usually either interrupt them in mid stream to get clarification or bring it up when 'the mic is passed to me' before I go on with what it is I want to say and my viewpoint.


On that note, I need help with: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/122620 (< 8)


Have a better one CB

PS. My initial comment had nothing to do with and wasn't addressing the issue of your experience and competence in MQL4 CB. I hope that the above response makes it clear what I was addressing. If not, just let me know and I will continue on! LoL (< 8)