Volume mystery


Hi guys,

I know this topic is discussed a lot but I found few things I cannot understand. I was researching the Volumes shown in MT, made a simple script that every tick outputs the price and volume. And I got interesting results. According to docs Volume shows tick volumes of each bar of the current chart. Here are my results:

on EURUSD within a single minute in second 39 price is 1.5109 and volume is 10, in second 40 price is 1.5109 again and volume is 11, then no ticks for some seconds and in second 43 price is 1.5108 and volume is 14.

My question is why when price doesn't change Volume increases and why on a single tick Volume increases with more than 1? This happens quite often..



> price doesn't change

If you mean that the Bid (i.e. the default value on the chart) hasnt changed then all sorts of other things could have..

Most frequent by far will be a change of spread, so the Ask moves relative to the Bid

By definition, a tick can be considered as any change of any of the MarketInfo values

This all confirms the limited value of Volume, which after all is limited to the brokers own orders and datafeed

Volume is much better than nothing but we must be aware of its scope

My 2c worth :)




> price doesn't change

If you mean that the Bid (i.e. the default value on the chart) hasnt changed then all sorts of other things could have..

Most frequent by far will be a change of spread, so the Ask moves relative to the Bid

By definition, a tick can be considered as any change of any of the MarketInfo values

This all confirms the limited value of Volume, which after all is limited to the brokers own orders and datafeed

Volume is much better than nothing but we must be aware of its scope

My 2c worth :)


Thanks BB,

I was outputting only the Bid price and wasn't aware of the other MarketInfo values.