'Pause, Save, Quit. Open and ReSume Optimizations' would be an excellent addition in MT5


Decent optimizations take weeks and even months, which makes it unlikely that they will be completed successfully. Thus the ability to pause and save the results up to that point and then resume then again, even if MT5 had been closed and reopened, the computer had been rebooted etc, it would be very useful and greatly enhance the optimization capabilities. Perhaps a (selectable) AutoSave such as is used for the trade journal would be effective?


doug, you have posted this now i guess nearly 10 times.

as far as i know, strategy tester in MT5 is not yet avaiable - at least in the version i downloaded one week ago.

why do you think there is no pause function as in MT4.

pausing in un-visual mode makes no sense at all, and in visual mode it is already implemented in MT4, and before complaining about this feature missing in MT5 someone has to at least wait until MT5 strategy tester is avaible.

your post regarding this makes no sense and i think that is like spam, flooding a forum with useless posts.

especially because you insist on your big letters, inspite of the advice you have been given from some of us.

sorry, but to much is to much.

and if a process eats to much resources, there is the taskmanager and you can give the process less priority...


Hi Doug,

In "Visual mode" MT4 Strategy Tester / Optimzation CAN be "Paused".....

I am able to utilize the 'Visual mode' in back testing, however when I am optimizing as I am now, checking the 'visual mode' does not work.

But thanks for the info on the ability to pause it on back testing.


you have completly changed your first post and english is not my native language and people who criticise spelling ....



*doug, you have posted this now i guess nearly 10 times.

*as far as i know, strategy tester in MT5 is not yet *avaiable - at least in the version i downloaded one week ago.

*why do you think there is no pause function as in MT4.

*pausing in un-visual mode makes no sense at all, and in visual mode it is already implemented in MT4, and before complaining about this feature missing in MT5 someone has to at least wait until MT5 strategy tester is *avaible.

*your post regarding this makes no sense and i think that is like spam, flooding a forum with useless posts.

*especially because you insist on your big letters, *inspite of the advice you have been given from some of us.

As my response appears below, this is how the default font text in this forum appears to me, let’s see how you do with it?

You are right about at least one thing anyway, you are 'guessing'. I have posted it a couple of times in different places where I thought it would be found and hopefully acted on and implemented is spite of the fact that you may have no reason to want or need to use this specific feature.

I am only too well aware of there not being a ‘pause button’ in the first place which is why I am suggesting one, in fact I am about to expand on it further with other suggestions and feedback that will make it a much better tool to utilize effectively. The fact that there is not one now is not a valid reason for there not being one. If things such as this didn’t need changing, modifying, deleting some features and adding others are the reason that a whole new version of MQL is being developed and implemented: because such changes are needed, otherwise MQ wouldn’t be going to the considerable effort and expense of doing so. Now is when the things in MQL5/MT ARE being developed and reworked, modified, things added and removed. Now IS the time for feedback. As is evidenced by the large numbers of such suggestions and feedback about MT5/MQL5 are being submitted.

As to your assertions that 'pausing in visual mode' makes no sense. That is your opinion but most definitely not mine. If there was one already there I wouldn’t be requesting one would I? I am at the beginning of a 5.5 week optimization run. It was over twice this but I halted it and cut it in half already. I have an MT4 instance that keeps coming to a fatal stop, and which I have already uninstalled and reinstalled. I need to uninstall my virus protections, clean the registry and install a different one. Both of these is things will require a number of reboots. Other unknown events that may occur prior to it finishing make it very likely that I will have other instances that either require closing the MT4 client or it crashing.

*especially because you insist on your big letters, *inspite of the advice you have been given from some of us.

*sorry, but *to much is *to much.

The fact that I or anyone else uses something a little bit different than you do and use a larger, solid colored font that is clearer and more accessible to me for practical reasons. Not to aggravate you personally. Are you really that insecure that someone using a different font is intolerable and threatens you so much? What difference does it make to you? NONE! But it makes significant difference to me. If it is so at least we agree on something: you are very ‘sorry’ indeed. What it really comes down to is the fact that you are unable to tolerate such minor differences to exist which are really of no consequence. Perhaps the capacity to utilize it should be removed completely to ensure it then. Better yet why not just put a few dozen canned responses of allowed inputs and the users can select the appropriate ones by numbers and submit them as they are the only thing that is allowed?

Your basis for this and your reference to utilizing other than exactly the same font as others primarily use in spite of that fact that I have been ‘advised’ on a number of occasions that there are some that are so ????? about it that like you they are unable to tolerate it. Yours and others ‘character assassination’ of me based on the usage of someone utilizing a different font, regardless of the reason, is truly very pathetic.

Your diatribe against me is filled with numerous spelling and grammatical errors. Your whining about a minor difference of fonts is trivial in comparison. It aggravates me and others. Please do not post anything until it has been submitted to an authorized department, corrected, submitted again, and only then after approval you may post it so that it is not so aggravating and annoying to others as it is to me!

*Nice eh?

Yes, let’s stick to the really important stuff like different fonts and not address functionality issues.

*and if a process eats to much resources, there is the task manager and you can give the process less priority...

Having used computers for over 35 years I am more than well aware of windows ‘3 fingered salute’ and the task manager. It does not resolve the problem of being weeks into and optimization run while I have to continue to use my computer for other ‘insignificant tasks’ and lose weeks or months of data analysis just because you don’t like it when someone else uses a different font.

I have no sympathy for yours and others like you for petty character assassination based on trivial, petty unimportant matters of formatting. Take a good look in the mirror, get hold of yourself and get a life. Your 'solution' is no solution at all and only demeans yourself and others like you.

*Indicates incorrect spelling or grammar. Please do not submit such things as it is really too much to allow such inexcusable mistakes on such very important priorities and is as such intolerable.


you have completly changed your first post and english is not my native language and people who criticise spelling ....


and people who attack others over a minor difference in the font …..

I understand that English is not your first language and ALWAYS make allowances for it. I truly appreciate that fact that you and so many others here can write, read, understand and speak English so well that even though it may not be strictly grammatically correct you communicate very well in it. My spelling in English is terrible and my typing just as bad! If I did not use a dictionary no one would be able to understand me, not even me! You are fortunate in this, it is I that am impoverished in comparison. What I posted as a reply to your criticism is the equivalent of what you and others like you have perpetrated on me numerous times over on something as meaningless as a slightly different font that I use because I NEED to, not just to bug YOU! How does it feel to be in my shoes and to be repeatedly attacked over something so meaningless and trivial? What would you do and how would you respond in interactions with Stephen Hawking? Would your response towards him be similar as it is to me?

Live and let live. Our differences make us better as a whole, not worse.


thats not true, we tried to help you more than one time, here again
you can setup your own font size and colour in every browser to be able to read even the tiniest letters on each webpage without problems


From the top menu: Select, View > Text Size > IncreaseAlternatively
1: Hold down the CTRL key and use the scrollwheel on your mouseAlternatively
2: Hold down the CTRL key and press the + key


thats not true, we tried to help you more than one time, here again
you can setup your own font size and colour in every browser to be able to read even the tiniest letters on each webpage without problems


From the top menu: Select, View > Text Size > IncreaseAlternatively
1: Hold down the CTRL key and use the scrollwheel on your mouseAlternatively
2: Hold down the CTRL key and press the + key

I do not use FireFox and I am aware of the different web browsers capabilities to display web pages differently but they do not work here for me.

What’s the big deal anyway?

Get your priorities sorted out, stop wasting my time and get over it.