Simple EA - don't understand what is wrong though...


Hi... am a new learner of MQL4. I just wanted an alert on the number of bars in a chart. Please refer the code below. The problem is that after execution of the special function init, when start() starts, the global variable "count" shows a value of 0. What am I doing wrong here?

int TF=1;
int count;

int init()

int count = iBars(NULL,TF);

Alert("Bar count for symbol ",Symbol()," is ",count);

//| expert start function |
int start()

if (count != iBars(NULL,TF))
Alert("Bar count for symbol ",Symbol()," in Time frame ",TF, " is ",count);


you declare count 2 times

in global before init and in init.

though the "count" in init is a local variable only avaiable in init and cannot be accessed in start

simply remove the "int" before count in init and the code should work (if i havent overseen something else) ;-)


you declare count 2 times

in global before init and in init.

though the "count" in init is a local variable only avaiable in init and cannot be accessed in start

Thank you... has helped explain a lot!


int count = iBars(NULL,TF);

